Jumat, 27 Juli 2018


In a global economy where there is constant emission of waste materials caused by human activities, causing pollution to the environment there by making our habitation no more a friendly environment. The process of this cycle re occurring causing degradation of nature cycle, whereby bring change in the factors of nature needed for humans to survive. This causes a big threat to our survival and existence because it brings about problems to our planet earth and the future of surviving bring about destruction to things we natural system provides for us. Example are food, water, clothing form animals, the air we breathe inn just to mention a little. An example of how this degradation process occur are chemical producing industries and the oil exploration and production companies’ system flaring hydrocarbons and toxic chemicals into the atmosphere bring about change in the global climate which brings about acid rain causing destruction of vegetation and soil causing erosion and washing away of the topmost soil. The natural cycle works hand in hand with each other, where by when there is a fault every other part is affected. If the climate is affected by acid rain for example which brings about acid rain and so on, vegetation which aid in the production of oxygen we breath in is affected just stating another factor attached so readers will understand. This has also brought about the probability of loss of the world’s best soil in 60 years caused by extensive farming methods including the use of chemicals and pesticides.
The worldwide mechanical waste administration advertise is esteemed at about $1.442 Billion and the Organic, Recycling Waste industry in the United Kingdom is worth roughly 500 Million Pounds. Be that as it may, just 18 percent of this figure is gotten by the few waste administration administrators in the nation. 
The is great need to keep our future safe form all this all these external factors bringing about change in natural eco system that benefits we the humans that dwell in it.
The Organic Technology Ltd was set up in January 2017, by the team who for over 10 years, came up with great technological idea of recycling unwanted waste materials into natural manure, biomass fuel, inexhaustible energizers and sustainable power. The technology solutions called ecoHERO and ecoDRYER, which produce organic fertiliser and animal feed from unwanted commercial organic materials. There will also produce small quantity biomass fuels from mixed waste materials using yet another of our technology solutions called ecoREDUCER.
With the target of producing natural capitals using patented technology funds will be through the easiPayer platform a blockchain technology incorporated for fast transaction using Organicco tokens. Funds will be raised via the token for the development of projects in the green and agri-tech industries. easiPayer tokens will be backed up by liquid assets, and its currency value will be determined by independent, reputable auditors. The price of the easiPayer token value will not suffer the major instabilities like other cryptocurrencies because it is backed up by assets. The token also eliminates challenges like letter of credit and insurance costs are very high and takes time to setup that comes with buying and selling over cross international countries and exchange bringing about low rate of exchange and fast means of transaction.
The backed-up token with the fast transaction process with blockchain bring about transparency too.
Let’s join the moving train and make this project a success story for our betterment and keeping our future generations safe 
There are three fundamental periods of the Organicco Initial Coin Offering. These incorporate;
-The Partner Sale
-The Pre-ICO
-ICO Crowd-deal
The aggregate number of Organicco token supply is 120,000,000. It is settled and will be issued utilizing the current ERC223 Ethereum keen contracts.
Just 12 million Organicco tokens will be sold amid the pre-ICO and at the rate of 0.40 GBP per token. Be that as it may, the tokens will be sold for 0.50GBP for every token amid the group deal.
The Crowd-deal top is 35 Million GBP and members that hold the token from the pre-ICO will be compensated amid the ICO swarm deal with a 20 percent rebate.
• Step 1: Register on the site and give a proof of personality
• Step 2: Buy Ethereum on Coinbase, Blockchain, CEX or some other trade and reserve your MyEtherWallet or MetaMask
• Step 3: Your personality is confirmed and you can take an interest in the Initial Coin Offerings
• Step 4: Purchase the Organicco tokens by exchanging from your wallet.

Very easy steps on a user-friendly interface
Jon Ure : Managing Director
Vipul Patel : Financial Director
Paul Herrbach : Canadian Partner
Gopal Jeyasundra :  Chief Technical Director
Parwana Ahamadi : Finance Assistant
Bing Hu : Pengembang: Senior Blockchain Developer
Pirasath Indrakumar : IT Engineer
Jesson Escat :  Fabrication Engineer
Rasheed Bello : ICO/ Blockchain Advisor 

To discover more about Organicco, read the whitepaper.SOURCES:



Platfrom kami menghubungkan palang asuransi secara langsung dengan modal yang memungkinkan mereka untuk meluncurkan perusahaan asuransi virtual mereka sendiri.
Black ada di sini untuk membuat perbedaan
Hitam akan menggunakan blockchain untuk mentransfer risiko secara langsung dari klien
(tertanggung) ke pendukung keuangan (pemegang Token Syndicate Hitam):
  • Meminimalkan semua inefisiensi
  • Menyimpan semua data dengan aman di blockchain
  • Operasi bisnis transparan menggunakan kontrak pintar
  • Inovasi lebih cepat oleh anggota platform
Hitam akan memperbaiki industri asuransi secara fundamental. Hitam adalah platform asuransi seperti Lloyds of London di blockchain tanpa biaya, penundaan dan birokrasi yang kita saksikan hari ini.
Bisnis asuransi akan dihasilkan oleh MGA lokal / Broker / Agen yang bertanggung jawab merancang produk asuransi untuk pasar, menetapkan harga dan menjual produk serta mengatur penanganan klaim. Mendelegasikan bisnis ke agen lokal membuat model bisnis Black terukur sementara membawa keputusan bisnis lebih dekat ke pelanggan akhir.
Asuransi Hitam akan menggunakan dua jenis token:
Black Platform Token (BLCK). BLCK memberdayakan infrastruktur, menyediakan akses ke platform dan untuk melakukan voting pada pembaruan sistem ke platform (token utilitas). Semua pengguna platform akan menggunakan BLCK untuk mengelola asuransi pada platform Black, dan permintaan untuk BLCK akan meningkat karena semakin banyak bisnis asuransi yang dilakukan di platform.
Black Syndicate Tokens (BST)(dikeluarkan ketika platform sudah siap). BST adalah investasi dalam modal asuransi, dan BST khusus dibuat untuk setiap sindikat (token keamanan), Profitabilitas portofolio asuransi untuk sindikat tertentu akan diteruskan ke pemegang BST itu.
PENDANAAN Asuransi HitamHard cap $ 45 juta
Penggunaan dana & Distribusi Token
Struktur ICO
Distribusi Token
Peta Jalan Kami
Tim dan Penasehat Kami
Untuk Informasi lebih luas bisa Klik di bawah ini :


Black ada di sini untuk membuat perbedaan

BLACK akan menggunakan blockchain untuk mentransfer risiko secara langsung dari klien
(tertanggung) ke pendukung keuangan (pemegang Token Syndicate Hitam):

meminimalkan semua inefisiensi
menyimpan semua data dengan aman di blockchain
operasi bisnis transparan menggunakan kontrak pintar
inovasi lebih cepat oleh anggota platform

Hitam akan memperbaiki industri asuransi secara fundamental. Hitam adalah platform asuransi seperti Lloyds of London di blockchain tanpa biaya, penundaan dan birokrasi yang kita saksikan hari ini.

Bisnis asuransi akan dihasilkan oleh MGA lokal / Broker / Agen yang bertanggung jawab merancang produk asuransi untuk pasar, menetapkan harga dan menjual produk serta mengatur penanganan klaim. Mendelegasikan bisnis ke agen lokal membuat model bisnis Black terukur sementara membawa keputusan bisnis lebih dekat ke pelanggan akhir.

Asuransi Hitam akan menggunakan dua jenis token:

Black Platform Token (BLCK). BLCK memberdayakan infrastruktur, menyediakan akses ke platform dan untuk melakukan voting pada pembaruan sistem ke platform (token utilitas). Semua pengguna platform akan menggunakan BLCK untuk mengelola asuransi pada platform Black, dan permintaan untuk BLCK akan meningkat karena semakin banyak bisnis asuransi yang dilakukan di platform.

Black Syndicate Tokens (BST) (dikeluarkan ketika platform sudah siap). BST adalah investasi dalam modal asuransi, dan BST khusus dibuat untuk setiap sindikat (token keamanan), Profitabilitas portofolio asuransi untuk sindikat tertentu akan diteruskan ke pemegang BST itu.

Penggunaan dana & Distribusi Token
Hard cap $ 45 juta

Struktur ICO

Pra-Penjualan Mulai
Periode Pra-Penjualan
Topi Pre-Sale
$ 15.000.000,00
Ketentuan Pra-Penjualan
Minggu pertama bonus 25% dan setelah minggu pertama bonus 20%
Penjualan Token Mulai
Periode Penjualan Token
30 hari
Soft Cap
$ 2.000.000,00
Hard Cap
$ 45.000.000,00
Simbol Token
Jumlah Total Token
1BLCK = 0,2 USD
Pembelian Minimum
$ 100,00
Cryptos yang diterima
Token yang tidak terdistribusi akan dihancurkan oleh kontrak token.
Token BLCK akan terdaftar pada pertukaran crypto
Manfaat Pemegang Token

BLCK dapat digunakan untuk membayar layanan pada platform Black. Black akan menjamin bahwa hingga 1 Januari 2021 biaya layanan yang dibayar dengan BLCK akan setidaknya 20% lebih murah daripada biaya layanan yang dibayarkan dalam mata uang lainnya.

Pembatasan Perdagangan Token
Hanya Tim dan Penasehat yang memiliki periode vesting dan sales lock-in

Tim ini terdiri dari para veteran industri asuransi dan ahli blockchain. Ini adalah perpaduan hebat antara pengetahuan dalam tentang industri asuransi, keahlian dalam teknologi blockchain dan ruang crypto. Pendiri memiliki lebih dari 18 tahun pengalaman dalam perangkat lunak asuransi dan melihat kebutuhan mendesak akan solusi yang akan mendemokratisasi bidang melalui teknologi.

Untuk berkontribusi dan Mengetahui kemajuan dari penawaran ini, Anda dapat mengunjungi beberapa tautan berikut:



Selasa, 17 Juli 2018



Due to the limited tools available, the supply chain industry is mostly reliant on manual processes
Sourcing for any business with the current state of sourcing systems is not only a logistical nightmare. The whole process also comes with technological challenges that could quickly drive a business owner completely nuts. To source for any product and have it moved from its point of origin to the place where the business intends to put it to use, the procuring department has to go through a harrowing process dotted with numerous disjointed legacy systems. And this accounts for why most procurement heads resort to using spreadsheets, email and other tedious manual processes.
Planport RFx
Painless RFI, RFP, RFQ building, with a seamless team and stakeholder collaboration system. Sourcing decisions and updates are easily managed from start to finish. Read More 

Planport Trade Finance Marketplace

Planport is building a network that is based on the Blockchain's distributed ledger technology which eliminates the risk of fraud and multi-financing and gives full access to global network of participants of both buyers and sellers of Trade finance asset documents. Read More →

Planport On-Demand Experts Network

Planport promises an innovative model designed to help the procurement process by connecting it with specialized labor pool for enterprises and individuals. The network is designed to help avoid the costly and time-consuming, firm-based consultancy. Procurement heads will easily connect with experts in the different categories, needs, and transact without any hassle common with procurement advising firms.This means there are no large upfront investments or long terms contracts, and users can scale it up or down, or even turn it off as simply as you can turn it on. Read More →

Planport Auctions

Planport reverse auction capability means users can have the following critical benefits designed to promote costs saving practices. The overall effect is improved and dynamic procurement process: reduction of purchasing costs, enhanced procurement processes, increased efficiency in the market, and access to a global supplier base. Read More →

Planport Payments

Transactions within the Planport network will use our ERC20 token, which solves the problem of B2B remittance. This is achieved by the introduction of low-cost, real-time access, safeguards and eliminated reconciliation. These will improve delivery to the market and profitability. With these in place, the working capital is safeguarded as well as performance for all companies involved in the process.Read More →

Planport Supplier Manager

Planport's supplier management portal is designed to make the lives of suppliers easy, so they can cut the response time from days to minutes, as well as responding to RFPs. We also have a reputation and performance review system which can help the network to identify the best performers easily, eliminate risk and ultimately bring a more significant business outcome Read More →

Planport Contracts

Planport uses cryptographically secure smart-contracts which can be issued for different projects, events, and timeframes within the network. In effect, this means enterprises can eliminate legal risks, high-remittance fees, slow project automation and more.




PLANPORT - Building Infrastructure Supply Chain Incentive Mechanism

Hello everyone, If you're interested in joining the Planport project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision:
About Planport Protocol
The current supply chain industry is a $ 64 trillion market that employs millions of people around the world. Planport is building a protocol for the supply chain industry and our initial product focuses on procurement and its components. Procurement is one of the core sectors of the supply chain industry. This involves purchasing goods and services that allow organizations to perform their day-to-day operations. A person involved in procurement may be responsible for purchasing raw materials from suppliers globally and bringing them into an organization by working with external C, finance and engineering executives and external suppliers.
While procurement is an important aspect of operations, the process has critical issues that are costly for all businesses from small companies to large companies. Constraints include inheritance systems with inexpensive, risky and time consuming inexpensive, expensive networks, cash flow problems that take weeks or months, contractual nightmares, poor supplier management and closed and centered access to goods and services. A company spends 30 to 70% of its revenue on goods and services being outsourced, but many are still under-investment.
The Planport platform supported by PORT token aims to solve this problem by bringing together end-to-end procurement processes and empowering companies and suppliers using a decentralized business-to-business network in the supply chain industry. Buyers and sellers can use the platform for procurement, auction, payment, and contract management. At the end of supplier and buyer interactions, our invoice market allows suppliers to drive invoices to global investor networks where they can access multiple funders.
The market is built on Blockchain's distributed technology that enables participants to have a safe and efficient way to complete trade finance assets in the $ 3 trillion factoring industry. Planport, as part of the Planport Platform, has built and is building on the following products:
Planport RFx
Painless RFI, RFP, RFQ building, with a seamless team and stakeholder collaboration system. Sourcing decisions and updates are easily managed from start to finish.

Planport Trade Finance Marketplace
Planport is building a network that is based on the Blockchain's distributed ledger technology which eliminates the risk of fraud and multi-financing and gives full access to global network of participants of both buyers and sellers of Trade finance asset documents.

Planport On-Demand Experts Network
Planport promises an innovative model designed to help the procurement process by connecting it with specialized labor pool for enterprises and individuals. The network is designed to help avoid the costly and time-consuming, firm-based consultancy. Procurement heads will easily connect with experts in the different categories, needs, and transact without any hassle common with procurement advising firms.This means there are no large upfront investments or long terms contracts, and users can scale it up or down, or even turn it off as simply as you can turn it on.

Planport Auctions
Planport reverse auction capability means users can have the following critical benefits designed to promote costs saving practices. The overall effect is improved and dynamic procurement process: reduction of purchasing costs, enhanced procurement processes, increased efficiency in the market, and access to a global supplier base.

Planport Payments
Transactions within the Planport network will use our ERC20 token, which solves the problem of B2B remittance. This is achieved by the introduction of low-cost, real-time access, safeguards and eliminated reconciliation. These will improve delivery to the market and profitability. With these in place, the working capital is safeguarded as well as performance for all companies involved in the process.

Planport Supplier Manager
Planport's supplier management portal is designed to make the lives of suppliers easy, so they can cut the response time from days to minutes, as well as responding to RFPs. We also have a reputation and performance review system which can help the network to identify the best performers easily, eliminate risk and ultimately bring a more significant business outcome.

Planport Contracts
Planport uses cryptographically secure smart-contracts which can be issued for different projects, events, and timeframes within the network. In effect, this means enterprises can eliminate legal risks, high-remittance fees, slow project automation and more.

Building the infrastructure of the supply chain incentive mechanism.

The Planport token has been designed to have a significant impact on the procurement network and be useful for the users- now and in the long term. This is achieved by solving critical problems that faced by the supply chain system- notably, the procurement and sourcing industry.
500 M Tokens Minted
270 M Available for sale
Token Name PORT
Platform and Token Type ERC20
Price per token 1 ETH = 7000 PORT
Hard cap 20,000,000 USD




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