Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

Beatrix: An innovative and sustainable technology that will solve the energy crisis in Africa

Project review

Sustainable development and eradication of poverty has been increasingly playing an important role in the global develop since the 1980s. Since the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio, attention has been paid on the relationship between development, poverty, environmental degradation, social justice and trade. Both governmental and non-governmental organizations have advocated for sustainable develop as the key approach to development. Beatrix understands that poor management, corruption, and the stringent measures stipulated by the World Bank like SAP have undermined economic growth in developing countries. In regard to alleviating poverty and improving the living standards of people in developing countries, Beatrix aims at solving the energy crisis in Africa.

Beatrix is overconfident in the introduction of the sustainable and innovative technology that will assist in tackling the energy and communication problems in Africa. The DETD (decentralized energy and telecommunication distribution) bionetwork is a green and low cost alternative to offer even the most countryside communities with access to telecommunication and electricity services. With the development of the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology, Beatrix will use RīX (the only and the first Ethereum-based sustainable green power token that will allow the users to make their payments for the energy that Beatrix will produce. The main aim or the main goal for this project is to offer telecommunication and electricity services for millions of inhabitants living in poor nations especially Africans in an attempt to transform and improve the financial system of these nations and perk up their quality of living.

Solutions that Beatrix will offer

In fighting energy poverty that undermines sustainable development, Beatrix aims at offering policy advice and technological assistance in order to assist countries provide electricity to all citizens. Beatrix is also one of the leaders in global efforts to provide sustainable energy and avert climate change. In regard to this, the Beatrix is planning to finance renewable energy projects in many parts of the world. To attain this, Beatrix is planning to increase its investment in efficient and green energy each year, and assist countries in establishing foundation for sustained development, green growth and prosperity.

 Through the introduction of an innovative and sustainable technology, Beatrix aims at making it easier for developing countries to provide energy to the poor people in different regions. Beatrix will assist the countries in constructing infrastructure that is energy efficient and the users will pay using RīX. Beatrix aims at offering great opportunity for Africans to overcome one of their greatest challenges that affects their growth and that is ensuring the transformation and digital development. The video below offers great insights about this project.

It is evident that Beatrix has made tremendous steps in trying to ensure that the projects it undertakes are sustainable and environment friendly. Beatrix is trying to achieve sustainable development by funding clean energy projects, while reducing funding for energy projects that pollute the environment. Secondly, the Beatrix is ensuring that the infrastructure it undertakes do not pollute the environment; and conduct environmental assessment before undertaking any infrastructure.

As a fact, energy plays an integral part of our daily lives and enables a country to grow economically. Electrical energy is the most common form of energy that I currently rely on at home and at work. This electricity is mostly generated from hydro-power from dams which is renewable and other non-renewable sources like natural gas and coal.

 I mostly use electricity on my electrical gadgets like television, refrigerators, hot tub haters, and computers, surround sound systems, cookers and lighting equipment, air conditioners. I consume a lot of electricity in heating and cooling the house during winter and summer. I believe that Beatrix project will be one of the best projects in AFRICA as most of the people have no access to this basic commodity. 

Using RīX as payment currency will help the exchange markets to grow and ensure more investments in the African countries. From the above discussion, it is evident that Beatrix is making significant progress in regard to ensuring sustainable development in Africa. with the use of the distributed ledger technology, Beatrix will be able to offer a platform that will ensure a great experience to the users. The platform will be safe and secure to ensure that the users data is not disclosed to unauthorized users.

Road map:

Website Link: beatrixico.com
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GgJ1ahJVDFpoVOYLVnszCQ
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/BeatrixICO
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/beatrixico

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Beatrix 프로젝트 검토

Beatrix는 무엇입니까?
Beatrix 는 최초의 ICO 에너지 프로젝트로서 아프리카 대륙의 전력 부족 및 통신 문제를 해결하는 것이 주 업무입니다. 프로젝트 개발자는 특수 부동 기술 (녹색 전기를 생산하는 기술)을 사용하여 분산 된 에너지 타워를 제공 할 계획입니다. 프로젝트 계획의 작성자는 대륙을 가로 지르는 분산 된 시스템의 도움으로 전력 타워를 설치했습니다. 에너지 타워는 특허 출원중인 기술로 풍차와 태양열 패널보다 훨씬 효율적입니다. 이 프로젝트의 생태계는 독일과 스위스의 회사와 협력합니다. 따라서 개발자는 최초의 에너지 기반 토큰을 만들었습니다.

기능 및 작업은 Beatrix 프로젝트에서 처리됩니다.

DETD - 에너지 분산화 및 통신 배포에 대한 간략한 설명. 이 회사는 플랜트를 대륙에 직접 개방하여 계획 지역의 에너지 타워를 개발 및 확장 할 수 있습니다.

DETD - 또한 사회적 불평등과 싸우고 중앙 집중식 네트워크를 개선합니다.
DETD는 농촌 지역 사회에서 서비스를 이용할 기회를 제공 할 수 있습니다. 이제 전기에 액세스 할 수있는 것은 부유 한 공동체가 아닙니다.

강력한 모바일 네트워크. DETD를 사용하면 모바일 네트워크 비용을 크게 줄일 수 있습니다.
전기 공급은 신뢰성 있고 현대적인 방법으로 수행 될 것이다.
가정 폐기물, 슈퍼마켓, 식당의 안전한 취급.

개발자는 트랜잭션을 실행할 수있는 자체 RIX 토큰을 만들었습니다. 이것은 프로젝트에서 유일한 통화 일 것입니다. 이 프로젝트는 공급자와 고객 모두에게 이익이되는 방식으로 지불을 생성합니다. 이 시스템은 장거리에서 서비스를 사용하지 못하게 할 수 있습니다. 지불이 지연되고 반납 할 수있는 경우. 이 프로젝트는 완전히 투명한 거래 시스템을 제공합니다.

ICO 정보

토큰 이름 : RĪX
토큰 유형 : Ethereum ERC20
총 토큰 : 25,000,000,000
초기 값 : $ 5.00 = 100 RON (500 kWh)
사전 판매시 : US $ 2.50 = RON 100 (500 kWh)
ICO 마지막 날 : 2018 년 7 월 18 일 - 2018 년 8 월 28 일
ICO의 날 : 2018 년 10 월 12 일 ~ 2018 년 11 월 12 일
지불 방법 : BTC, ETH, USD, EUR
토큰의 전달은 다음과 같습니다.

프로젝트의 로드맵

프로젝트 개발팀

이 프로젝트는 어깨 뒤로 36 명의 숙련 된 팀원으로 구성되어 있으며 그 중 5 명은 오랫동안 블록 체인 프로젝트 개발에 참여했습니다. 팀은 정말 인상적이며 신뢰할 수 있습니다.


따라서 우리는 프로젝트가 매우 글로벌하고 독창적이라고 결론을 내릴 수 있습니다. 첫 번째 프로젝트는 전력 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 블록 체인 기술을 기반으로합니다. 각 팀 구성원의 프로필을 검토하면 Beatrix 플랫폼이 충분히 강력하고 안전하다고 말할 수 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 아프리카가 주민 수백만 명이 겪고있는 문제를 해결하려고하기 때문에 존경받을 가치가 있습니다.

세부 사항 :

웹 사이트 : http://beatrixico.com/

백서 : https://www.beatrix.social/#whitepaper

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/beatrixico

트위터 : https://twitter.com/BeatrixICO

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B


Welcome to the BEATRIX platform. I would like to write a review on this wonderful project so lets begin. BEATRĪX is a inexperienced, inexpensive and sustainable power challenge aiming to resolve the power and telecommunication disaster and lack throughout Africa. The proposed answer is to construct decentralized power towers utilizing buoyancy know-how that effectively produces inexperienced electrical energy. The Power tower is a patented Revolutionary know-how that's going to be extra environment friendly than Wind or Photo voltaic techniques.

The towers are distributed everywhere in the continent by way of our Decentralized Power and Telecommunications Distribution (DETD) eco-system. Our eco-system is powered by cooperation of German and Swiss corporations. The generated power is saved within the RIX token which is a completely ERC-20 compliant Ethereum utility token. RIX would be the first and the one power based mostly token that's purely inexperienced and self generated, making it unbiased of third celebration suppliers.

The RīX has an preliminary cost of 5kWh and would be the solely type of fee or consumption methodology, required for the power that BEATRĪX will generate.


Beatrix is a platform that aims to use the Blockchain technology solution to create a sustainable ecosystem of electricity transactions to ensure sustainable, equitable development, and the development of telecommunications. Beatrix seeks to increase the growth of the digital economy, thereby creating universal access to green energy. To help impoverished areas develop faster, the Platform will provide electricity to rural areas of people for much less than anywhere else.

Beatrix believes that such actions will contribute to the economic growth of the African continent and improve the living standards of hundreds of millions of people. Focusing on Africa, Beatrix's goal is to highlight the technology of decentralized energy and telecommunications in terms of needs, types of DETD, features, barriers to implementation, applications, deficiencies, problems, etc.

Beatrix plans to open a manufacturing plant that will develop, deploy, build and expand energy towers in areas where it is needed. Decentralized distribution allows for quick delivery of energy to communities without access to the grid, providing access to electricity for rural communities, supplying reliable and modern levels of energy services and reducing costs of Powering Mobile Networks.


 Payments are supported in ways that benefit both the customer and the provider. The systems have the ability to remotely turn off the equipment if monthly payments are not made and to switch them back on again once payments resume.

 The RīX holder and trader has the option to utilize the RīX energy auctions that are going to take place every time a 1 MW DETD is built and activated. This will make it possible for the trader of the RĪX to take advantage of price changes depending on demand and supply. Anyone in the world can invest, trade and purchase the RĪX. There is a basic mode for users, consumers and sellers, with an advanced mode for traders.

 Using their mobile devices and local fiat, consumers will purchase the RĪX-Token from the platform to pay for electricity / telecommunication services in a “prepaid” system, much like the same way they pay for their minutes or data from the local telecom today already. Even though network coverage is not always available, 80% of Africans own a cellular device.

 The Beatrix platform will have the functionality to display and transact with RīX Tokens, the sole digital currency accepted on the platform.

 The Beatrix platform is able to link customers to equipment. The system allows superior customer service based on real-time data. For example, proactive alerts can be issued to customer service agents instantly to track problems before they evolve.


The goal of the venture is to give a vitality exchanging framework that advances a reasonable electric vitality exchange biological system among DETDs, buyers, speculators and dealers. A point-to-point (P2P) vitality exchange stage in light of blockchain will be actualized to permit the productive electric power exchange. In the BEATRĪX P2P vitality exchange stage, a RSC is inserted in the chain of squares called the vitality name. 

The vitality name will build up the conditions for doing every future vitality exchange. In the long haul, the BEATRĪX P2P vitality exchange stage will make manageable vitality exchanges and the growing biological community will permit the advancement of a dependable, feasible exchange condition, safe and vitality proficient. This is a vitality exchanging market for shoppers, brokers, speculators and purchasers of sustainable power source declarations.


The BEATRĪX reality is that almost all Africans could have access to clean, abundant and almost no-cost electricity within the next decade. The supplementary bonus is that countries, villages and even individuals can grow their economies immediately, bypassing the time and expense of permanent generating capacity.

The provision of power to a population is not simply an economic conversation, but rather a humanitarian one. For most, electrification does not mean running a refrigerator or television but, more crucially, providing heat and light from a source that does not fill a home with dangerous fumes. It might mean charging a cell phone from which payments can be made, phone calls received and important news reports read.

 Providing electricity to homes means healthier families, better education for children and the optimisation of financial inclusion to capture those in rural areas. BEATRĪX decided not to commit to the well-trodden but impractical road of centralized electricity generation, but to carve a new and pioneering path towards alternative energy solutions in form of a Decentralized Energy and Telecommunications Distribution (DETD). BEATRĪX believes this is the option that can truly change the fortunes of the continent.

There is a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world the impact of small-scale DETDs, blended renewable energy sources at a micro-grid and mobile level in Africa.

The Energy Towers;

The first part of BEATRĪX's Ecosystem is a patented buoyancy technology, which is a new procedure that efficiently produces electric current. The technology’s technical feasibility has been proven in theory by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the “proof of concept” that demonstrates its practical potential through test-systems is taking place on 01.09.2018.

Systems built based on the buoyancy technology will come in different overall sizes and power steps (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, MW).

We wanted to keep the information available on the website very simple, with a more comprehensive and detailed description regarding efficiency and profitability of the energy towers in BEATRĪX's white paper. Technical details and videos about the technology are available after registration in the VIP area.


Token Sales Detail:
Ticker: RIX
Private Sale: July 1, 2018 – July 11, 2018
Pre ICO: July 18, 2018 – August 28, 2018
ICO Main Sale: October 12, 2018 – November 12, 2018
Price: 100 RīX = US $ 2,50
HARD CAP: 12,500,000
Accepted: BTC, ETH, USD, EUR
ICO Location: Germany



For more information about this great project kindly click on the links below;

Обзор Beatrix

Нам нужна энергия, как ток. Энергетика — это основа высокого уровня жизни, всей экономической деятельности и мобильности нашего общества. Традиционное энергоснабжение сегодня в значительной степени основано на ископаемых источниках топлива, таких как уголь, нефть, природный газ, а также уран. Сила воды — это надежный и всегда доступный источник энергии.

 В отличие от этого, газовые электростанции могут использовать угольные электростанции для быстрой адаптации к изменениям достижений и могут быть реализованы за счет более низких капитальных затрат и восприниматься экономически с более низкими часами работы компании. 

Компания BEATRiX пытается обеспечить систему торговли энергией, которая будет способствовать устойчивой экосистеме энергетических транзакций между потребителями, инвесторами и трейдерами. Технология Blockchain одно ранговой платформы будет отвечать за обеспечение эффективной электрической сделки.
Цель Beatrix:

BEATRiX стремится создавать электроэнергию для стабильного, справедливого развития и ускорения роста телекоммуникаций и цифровой экономики и доступа к возобновляемой энергетике для всех.

О компании Beatrix

Beatrix будет обеспечивать, за счёт возобновляемой энергетики, низкую цену, стабильную энергетику и телекоммуникации, нуждающиеся в ней, в основном в Африке. Несмотря на впечатляющее экономическое развитие в последние годы, Африка по-прежнему значительно отстает в области энергетики, и почти две трети граждан континента не имеют доступа к электричеству. 

Beatrix откроет производственную фабрику на площадке, поддерживаемой компанией EPC (Инжиниринг, закупки, строительство), разработает, развернет, построит и расширит энергетические станции в запланированных и необходимых областях.

 В отличие от централизованных систем электроснабжения в Африке, децентрализованное распределение электроэнергии и телекоммуникаций (DETD) Beatrix через план микро-сетей имеет большое количество преимуществ. Площадка транзакций с одно ранговой платформой (P2P) с технологией Blockchain будет реализована для эффективных транзакций в области электроэнергетики.

 На площадке энергетической транзакции Beatrix, P2P RSC встроена в блочную цепочку, называемую энергетическим тегом. Энергетический тег установит условие для совершения каждой последующей энергетической сделки. Как итог, площадка Beatrix P2P с энергетическими транзакциями создаст устойчивую энергетическую транзакцию, а расширяющаяся экосистема позволит создавать надежную, устойчивую, безопасную и энергоэффективную среду транзакций.

Преимущества и особенности:
Для потребителя:

Используя свои мобильные устройства и локальные устройства, потребители будут покупать цифровую валюту RIX с платформы для оплаты услуг электросвязи и телекоммуникаций в системе с предварительной оплатой, подобно тому, как они платят за свои минуты или данные от местного телекоммуникационного оператора уже сегодня, Несмотря на то, что покрытие сети не всегда доступно, 80% африканцев владеют сотовым телефоном.

Для владельцев RIX:

Платформа Beatrix будет обладать функциональностью для отображения и совершения транзакций с помощью валюты RIX, единственной цифровой валюты, принятой на платформе.

Связанное оборудование:

Платформа Beatrix способна связывать клиентов с оборудованием. Система обеспечивает превосходное обслуживание клиентов на основе данных в режиме реального времени. Например, оперативные оповещения могут быть немедленно выданы агентам по обслуживанию клиентов для отслеживания проблем до их развития.


Платежи поддерживают способы, которые приносят пользу как клиенту, так и поставщику. Системы могут удаленно отключать оборудование, если ежемесячные платежи не производятся, и снова включать их снова после возобновления платежей.

Владелец и трейдер RIX:

Они имеют возможность использовать энергетические аукционы RIX, которые будут проводиться каждый раз, когда создается и активируется DETD мощностью 1 МВт. Это позволит трейдеру RIX воспользоваться ценовыми изменениями в зависимости от спроса и предложения. Любой человек в мире может инвестировать, торговать и покупать RIX. Существует базовый режим для пользователей, потребителей и продавцов, с расширенным режимом для трейдеров.



Изучив все аспекты данного проекта, можно сделать вывод, что имея у себя в составе грамотную и успешную команду, реализация проекта не заставит себя долго ждать. Будем надеяться на успех Beatrix.

Для более детальной информации:

White Paper: https://www.beatrix.social/docs/WP/Beatrix__Wp.pdf

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B



Hari ini, dalam tinjauan kami, sebuah proyek yang akan menarik tidak hanya untuk penggemar cryptocurrency, tetapi juga untuk orang biasa. Bagaimanapun, topik ini menyakitkan dan relevan untuk seluruh dunia. Hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang listrik di Afrika, tetapi sebuah proyek yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang terkait dengan harga listrik yang tinggi di benua ini. Tapi sebelum itu saya ingin menulis Kata Pengantar singkat yang akan menunjukkan masalah utama dan statistik, untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang proyek.

Afrika adalah benua besar, yang menempati tempat kedua setelah Eurasia. Daratan adalah rumah bagi lebih dari sembilan ratus lima puluh juta orang. Sekitar enam ratus juta tidak memiliki akses ke listrik. Anda hanya memikirkannya, hampir 60 persen dari mereka tidak memiliki lampu. Setelah analisis dan perhitungan singkat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan elektrifikasi saat ini, pada 2040 seluruh benua akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk menggunakan listrik. Masalah ini cukup global dan membutuhkan solusi segera, dan mencoba memecahkan proyek Beatrix yang akan kita bicarakan hari ini.

Tentang proyek

Beatrix adalah proyek energi ICO pertama, tugas utamanya adalah untuk memerangi kekurangan listrik dan telekomunikasi di daratan Afrika. Pengembang proyek berencana untuk memberikan menara energi terdesentralisasi menggunakan teknologi daya apung khusus (teknologi ini untuk menghasilkan listrik hijau). Para pencipta rencana proyek untuk menempatkan menara energi dengan bantuan sistem terdesentralisasi di seluruh benua. Menara energi adalah teknologi pengetahuan yang dipatenkan, yang pada gilirannya akan jauh lebih efisien daripada kincir angin dan panel surya. Ekosistem proyek bekerja sama dengan perusahaan di Jerman dan Swiss. Dengan demikian, para pengembang menciptakan token pertama dan unik, yang didasarkan pada energi.

Fitur dan tugas yang dipecahkan oleh proyek Beatrix
1. DETD - singkatan singkatan energi desentralisasi, serta distribusi telekomunikasi. Perusahaan akan membuka pabrik langsung di benua itu, yang akan memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan dan memperluas menara listrik di tempat-tempat yang direncanakan;
2. DETD - juga memerangi masalah ketidaksetaraan sosial dan meningkatkan jaringan terpusat;
3. DETD akan dapat memberikan kesempatan untuk menggunakan layanan dari masyarakat pedesaan. Sekarang bukan hanya komunitas kaya yang akan dapat mengakses listrik;
4. Jaringan seluler yang kuat. Menggunakan DETD akan mengurangi biaya jaringan seluler secara signifikan;
5. Pasokan listrik akan dilakukan dengan cara yang dapat diandalkan dan modern;
6. Pembuangan limbah rumah tangga, supermarket, restoran yang aman.

Para pengembang telah membuat token RIX mereka sendiri, yang memungkinkan untuk melakukan transaksi. Ini akan menjadi satu-satunya mata uang dalam proyek ini. Proyek ini menciptakan pembayaran dengan cara yang bermanfaat bagi kedua belah pihak, baik pemasok maupun pelanggan. Sistem ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menonaktifkan layanan di kejauhan, jika pembayaran sudah lewat, serta memungkinkan mereka kembali. Proyek ini menyediakan sistem perdagangan listrik yang sepenuhnya transparan.

Nama Token: RĪX
Jenis Token: Ethereum ERC20
Jumlah total token: RĪX
Nilai Awal: US $ 5,00 = 100 RĪX (500 kWh)
Dalam Pra-Penjualan: US $ 2,50 = 100 RĪX (500 kWh)
Tanggal Pra-ICO: 18 Juli 2018 - 28 Agustus 2018
Tanggal ICO: 12 Oktober 2018 - 12 November 2018
Metode pembayaran: BTC, ETH, USD, EUR

Distribusi token adalah sebagai berikut:

Peta jalan proyek Beatrix

Tim proyek
Proyek ini terdiri dari 36 anggota tim yang memiliki pengalaman luas di belakang bahu mereka, 5 dari mereka terlibat dalam pengembangan proyek blockchain untuk waktu yang lama. Tim ini benar-benar mengesankan dan kredibel.

Dengan demikian, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa proyek ini cukup global dan unik. Proyek pertama berdasarkan teknologi blockchain, yang mencoba memecahkan masalah kurangnya listrik. Mempelajari profil masing-masing anggota tim kita dapat mengatakan bahwa platform Beatrix cukup kuat dan menginspirasi kepercayaan diri. Proyek ini benar-benar layak dihargai, karena Afrika sedang mencoba memecahkan masalah jutaan penduduk benua.

Sumber resmi proyek Beatrix:
SITUS WEB: https://www.beatrix.social
TELEGRAM: http://t.me/beatrixsocial
WHITEPAPER: https://www.beatrix.social/docs/WP/Beatrix__Wp.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/beatrixico
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@BeatrixICO
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/BeatrixICO
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/BeatrixICO
SLACK: https://beatrixico.slack.com
VK: https://vk.com/public169602115
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beatrix-ag/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjXR-TfuFdQp7OoUZWXv7MQ
GITHUB: https://github.com/BeatrixICO

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Обзор Beatrix


Нам нужна энергия, как ток. Энергетика — это основа высокого уровня жизни, всей экономической деятельности и мобильности нашего общества. Традиционное энергоснабжение сегодня в значительной степени основано на ископаемых источниках топлива, таких как уголь, нефть, природный газ, а также уран. Сила воды — это надежный и всегда доступный источник энергии. В отличие от этого, газовые электростанции могут использовать угольные электростанции для быстрой адаптации к изменениям достижений и могут быть реализованы за счет более низких капитальных затрат и восприниматься экономически с более низкими часами работы компании. Компания BEATRiX пытается обеспечить систему торговли энергией, которая будет способствовать устойчивой экосистеме энергетических транзакций между потребителями, инвесторами и трейдерами. Технология Blockchain одно ранговой платформы будет отвечать за обеспечение эффективной электрической сделки.

Цель Beatrix:

BEATRiX стремится создавать электроэнергию для стабильного, справедливого развития и ускорения роста телекоммуникаций и цифровой экономики и доступа к возобновляемой энергетике для всех.

О компании Beatrix

Beatrix будет обеспечивать, за счёт возобновляемой энергетики, низкую цену, стабильную энергетику и телекоммуникации, нуждающиеся в ней, в основном в Африке. Несмотря на впечатляющее экономическое развитие в последние годы, Африка по-прежнему значительно отстает в области энергетики, и почти две трети граждан континента не имеют доступа к электричеству. Beatrix откроет производственную фабрику на площадке, поддерживаемой компанией EPC (Инжиниринг, закупки, строительство), разработает, развернет, построит и расширит энергетические станции в запланированных и необходимых областях.

 В отличие от централизованных систем электроснабжения в Африке, децентрализованное распределение электроэнергии и телекоммуникаций (DETD) Beatrix через план микро-сетей имеет большое количество преимуществ. Площадка транзакций с одно ранговой платформой (P2P) с технологией Blockchain будет реализована для эффективных транзакций в области электроэнергетики. На площадке энергетической транзакции Beatrix, P2P RSC встроена в блочную цепочку, называемую энергетическим тегом. Энергетический тег установит условие для совершения каждой последующей энергетической сделки. Как итог, площадка Beatrix P2P с энергетическими транзакциями создаст устойчивую энергетическую транзакцию, а расширяющаяся экосистема позволит создавать надежную, устойчивую, безопасную и энергоэффективную среду транзакций.

Преимущества и особенности:

Для потребителя:

Используя свои мобильные устройства и локальные устройства, потребители будут покупать цифровую валюту RIX с платформы для оплаты услуг электросвязи и телекоммуникаций в системе с предварительной оплатой, подобно тому, как они платят за свои минуты или данные от местного телекоммуникационного оператора уже сегодня, Несмотря на то, что покрытие сети не всегда доступно, 80% африканцев владеют сотовым телефоном.

Для владельцев RIX:

Платформа Beatrix будет обладать функциональностью для отображения и совершения транзакций с помощью валюты RIX, единственной цифровой валюты, принятой на платформе.

Связанное оборудование:

Платформа Beatrix способна связывать клиентов с оборудованием. Система обеспечивает превосходное обслуживание клиентов на основе данных в режиме реального времени. Например, оперативные оповещения могут быть немедленно выданы агентам по обслуживанию клиентов для отслеживания проблем до их развития.


Платежи поддерживают способы, которые приносят пользу как клиенту, так и поставщику. Системы могут удаленно отключать оборудование, если ежемесячные платежи не производятся, и снова включать их снова после возобновления платежей.

Владелец и трейдер RIX:

Они имеют возможность использовать энергетические аукционы RIX, которые будут проводиться каждый раз, когда создается и активируется DETD мощностью 1 МВт. Это позволит трейдеру RIX воспользоваться ценовыми изменениями в зависимости от спроса и предложения. Любой человек в мире может инвестировать, торговать и покупать RIX. Существует базовый режим для пользователей, потребителей и продавцов, с расширенным режимом для трейдеров.


Изучив все аспекты данного проекта, можно сделать вывод, что имея у себя в составе грамотную и успешную команду, реализация проекта не заставит себя долго ждать. Будем надеяться на успех Beatrix.

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

UCIM - Authentic decentralization of internet currencies


The world of the internet is constantly evolving in a way never seen before. With technologies like blockchain setting new standards with limitless opportunities, the road ahead seems promising. Over the last decade, there has been a phenomenal growth in the blockchain-based crypto industry with wide spanning application. Offering boundary-less and friction-free ecosystems, the crypto industry is the mecca for constant innovations and efficiencies.

One such efficiency is introduced by Fanfare, the world’s first social commerce network based on the revolutionary blockchain technology. Taking note of the quintessential shortcomings of the prevalent social media and eCommerce industries, Fanfare offers solutions that are not just unique but equally rewarding for all the participants. With the social commerce industry set to grow by a staggering 34% by 2021, with an estimated revenue potential of $165.59 billion, Fanfare is the first company to unlock the true value of social-commerce using blockchain.

Consumer influencers have the potential to drastically transform the future of social-commerce and there is no better technology than blockchain that can fuel the same. Reiterating its vision of a decentralized economy, Fanfare has entered into a strategic partnership with United Conference of Internet Money (UCIM) that’s set to initiate another neo-revolution.

UCIM is a blockchain and cryptocurrency conference being held on 26th and 27th November 2018 in Singapore. With futuristic technologies paving the way for a better tomorrow by narrowing the gap between physical and digital realms, the seamless integration of internet money for a decentralised economy is now a reality that’s waiting to manifest itself. UCIM aims to create a platform that brings together start-ups, thought leaders, investors and the media for a combined exploration of the enormous power and potential of the decentralised industry and its subsequent impact on the economy. Intriguing discussions, investment opportunities, and unique networking to forge self-sustaining and long-lasting partnerships, ideas and dreams- UCIM offers it all.

The Fanfare community truly believes in decentralization and would continue to support and promote similar initiatives by UCIM in the future, as well for a long-term partnership. It’s all about decoding and acknowledging that events like UCIM are pivotal in uniting like-minded people who can discuss, innovate, and showcase to the world the limitless opportunities and benefits of blockchain and other disruptive technologies,” shared Fanfare CEO Vincent Lim. “I received a speaker invite from the conference and immediately realized the scope it beheld, which led to this strategic partnership,” he added.

Fanfare and UCIM share a common vision for futuristic technologies that can help harness the enormous benefits of a decentralised economy. This strategic partnership is a reflection of such a vision. Bringing greater rewards to consumers, letting the world know about the unmatched potential of a decentralized world, offering unique opportunities for startups and organisations to showcase innovative ideas and concepts, letting investors and entrepreneurs have meaningful interactions; these are just some of the ways in which this partnership will redefine the future.

About Fanfare

Fanfare offers a unique platform that is capable of providing brands and their owners a close and direct relationship with fans, as well as content creators. An ecosystem that’s powered by a universal currency, thereby eliminating the need for any intermediaries. In the process, Fanfare resolves the fragmented inter-connectivity that’s rampant in the existing social-commerce industry.

UCIM will be one of the best speakers in the industry, as well as the founders of leading companies related to block chains and cryptographic companies, to jointly promote progress. When flexible professionals interact and interact with specialists from around the world, and become familiar with their views on the most relevant topics, they are able to drive neo-revolution

For more information about UCIM , you can send message to https://t.me/UCIMIO

Website: https://www.ucim.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs
Telegram: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

UCIM - Мечтание о стимулировании финансовой децентрализации в Интернете


Видение и миссия

Цель мероприятия - удовлетворить растущее глобальное любопытство, предоставив правильную информацию, мнения экспертов и соответствующий контент вокруг футуристических технологий с нетрадиционным подходом.

Конференция UCIM была разработана для включения нескольких событий и возможностей, которые могут использоваться для эксклюзивных сетей, формировать партнерские отношения в закрытых группах единомышленников и участвовать в различных мероприятиях. UCIM предоставит платформу для построения прочных соединений, проведя мероприятия, включающие качки, криптографию, награды, круглые столы, частные сети и после вечеринок.

В UCIM примут участие вентиляторы Blockchain, криптовалюта, FinTech, AI, ML и другие технологии следующего поколения со всего мира. Со сбалансированным сочетанием инвесторов, мыслителей, стартапов и средств массовой информации это мероприятие станет платформой для распространения духа децентрализации и инноваций.


Интернет-валюта позволила монетизировать идеи, которые проложили путь к технологической революции, которую нельзя было представить несколько лет назад. UCIM планирует катализировать децентрализацию по своей истинной сути, объединяя людей и экспертов, которые верят в свою власть. Таким образом, это событие станет компромиссом между традиционными централизованными структурами и идеями, которые возникают из децентрализованной экономики. С неограниченными сетями и без трения мир станет свидетелем интеграции технологий, компаний, идей и мечты.

В последние годы применение криптовалютности выросло по экспоненте, главным образом из-за его привлекательности для людей, которые хотят использовать альтернативные деньги. Поскольку все криптовые валюты децентрализованы, анонимны и электронны, их называют будущими валютами.

Биткойн - первая криптовалюта, и она остается самой важной. Из-за его растущей популярности он теперь используется ежедневно для обычных транзакций. Известные компании, такие как Etsy и Subway, принимают биткойн в качестве платежного инструмента. Дебетовые карты BitPay Visa позволяют конвертировать ваш биткойн в обычные деньги за считанные минуты и использовать в любом месте, где вы получаете визу. Другая платформа, ChainTrade, использует blockchain для революционизирования торговли продуктами питания и сырьем. Этот финансовый сектор вносит более 2 триллионов долларов в год.

Кто будет участвовать в UCIM?

В MICU будут присутствовать любители блочной цепи, криптоконверсия, FinTech, AI, ML и другие технологии генерации по всему миру. Со сбалансированным сочетанием инвесторов, создателей идей, стартапов и средств массовой информации это мероприятие станет платформой для распространения духа децентрализации и инноваций.

Для расширения возможностей стартапов, способных внести изменения в глобальное бизнес-пространство с использованием футуристических технологий

Для оснащения лидеров завтрашнего дня лучшими практиками и вдохновляющими мыслями.

Захват конференции, охватывающей все отрасли и технологии, которые создают заголовки.

Для высокоэффективных инвесторов и ценные связи с мыслями и медиа.

Наш спикер

UCIM станет одним из лучших докладчиков в отрасли, а также основателей ведущих компаний, связанных с блочными цепочками и криптографическими компаниями, для совместного продвижения прогресса. Когда гибкие специалисты взаимодействуют и взаимодействуют со специалистами со всего мира и знакомятся с их мнениями по наиболее актуальным темам, они способны управлять неореволюцией.

Дэвид Сигель *
Основатель проекта Pillar

Брюс Портер-младший *
Генеральный директор, Global Boost

Игорь Чугунов *
Генеральный директор, Кредит

Натан Авидан *
Генеральный директор, ORCA Alliance

Sonja Prstec *

Ольга Фельдмейер *
Генеральный директор, Smart Valor

Павел Салас *
Генеральный директор, Tokenbox

Мэнни Фернандес *
Генеральный директор DreamFunded

Рана Гуджраль *
Советник, Инвестор

Дмитрий Левит *
Партнер, Cento Ventures

Андрей Зинчук *
Генеральный директор, ICOBox

Бабу Мунагала *
Генеральный директор Zebi

Мохит Мамория *
Генеральный директор, Authorito Capital

Хейли Ху *
Инвестор, B Capital Group

Киренан Танна *
Генеральный директор, ZEN Rooms

Karthik Iyer *
Посол, Фонд P2P

Дэвид Гоуди *
Управляющий партнер, Jungle Ventures

Майкл Блейки *
Управляющий партнер, Cocoon Capital

Тушар Аггарваль *
Директор, Lunex Ventures

Darryl Lo *
Основатель-партнер DYOR Capital

Марк Пуи *
Mitra, Cipher Ventures

Винсент Лим *
Генеральный директор, Fanfare

Даниил Морозов *
Соучредитель, Nodepower

Анастасия Плотникова *
COO, приложение Cannabis Global Corp

Алекс Кромптон *
MD, Первый предприниматель

Вишал Гупта *
Генеральный директор Diro Labs

Николай Орешкин *
Генеральный директор, Elysium Venture Capital

Тухина Сингх *
Генеральный директор, Propine Capital

Натан Кристиан *
Соучредитель, Ассоциация мальтийских блокчейнов

Брайан Ви *
Партнер, 8 Kapita

Варун Чаттерджи *
Генеральный директор, Seventh Sense, Angel Investor

Прашант Киртане *
Ангел Инвестор

Мохан Белани *
Генеральный директор, e27

Небиль Бен Аисса *
Генеральный директор, Инвесторы в Nexxo & Qpay

Aloysius Wee *
Управляющий директор, Аквинский юридический альянс

**Для получения дополнительной информации о UCIM вы можете отправить сообщение на адрес **https://t.me/UCIMIO

Веб-сайт: https://www.ucim.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs
Телеграмма: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

UCIM conference is designed to include events and opportunities that can be used for exclusive networks

Cryptocurrency was around ten years ago and has now become quite popular, widespread, and surrounded by many controversies from innovative developments.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency where transactions can be done in a network (online).

Since bitcoin was created in 2009 by a mysterious person, Satoshi Nakamoto, this electronic currency has brought about a change in the digital world. This payment tool can be fully controlled by internet users like you and me. Bitcoin has finally become a standard and currency payment tool, which can be used to make payments anonymously to buy and sell online.

The Internet currency allows monetization of ideas which paves the way for a technological revolution that we could not imagine a few years ago. UCIM envisions to catalyze decentralization in the essence of essence by bringing together people and experts who believe in its power. When doing this, this event will form a compromise between traditional centralized structures in ideas that emerge from a decentralized economy. With unlimited networks and without friction, the world will witness the integration of technology, companies, ideas and dreams.
Vision towards reality

The event aims to satisfy the growing global curiosity by providing the right information, expert opinions and relevant content on futuristic technology with an unconventional approach.

The UCIM conference is designed to include events and opportunities that can be used for exclusive networks, forming partnerships in closed groups consisting of like-minded people and participating in various events. UCIM will provide a platform to build strong connections by holding events that include pitching, cryptography, awards, round tables, private networks and after parties.

In welcoming this, UCIM (UNITED CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNET OF MONEY) is a motivator for pouring can hold an event that presents important and interesting things in the cryptocurrency world. The event aims to satisfy the growing global curiosity by providing appropriate information, opinions of experts and related content around futuristic technology with an unconventional approach.

UCIM's beliefs have been designed to include several events and opportunities that can be used to create exclusive networks, creating partnerships in a closed group of like-minded professional professionals and participating in various events. UCIM will provide a platform to establish lasting relationships by organizing events that include pitching, crypto trading, awards, round tables, private networks and parties afterwards.

Who will share UCIM?

Block chain fans, crypto conversion, FinTech, AI, ML, and other next generation technologies from around the world will be present at UCIM. With a mix of balanced investors, idea leaders, start-ups and media, this event will be a platform to spread the spirit of decentralization and innovation.
UCIM Blockchain Conference


To increase startups that can make changes to global business space using futuristic technology

UCIM Blockchain Conference

Leaders think

Equipping future leaders with best practices and inspirational thinking.

UCIM Blockchain Conference

I'm media

Record conferences that cover all sectors and technologies that make titles.

UCIM Blockchain Conference


To launch high yield investors and create valuable bonds with thought leaders and the media.
Our speaker

UCIM will be one of the best speakers in the industry, as well as the founders of extraordinary companies associated with block chains and cryptographic companies, to jointly promote progress. When flexible professionals interact and interact with specialists from around the world, and familiarize themselves with their opinions on the most relevant topics, they are able to maintain neo-revolution.

Natan Avidan

CEO, ORCA Alliance

Pavel Salas

CEO, Tokenbox

Vishal Gupta

CEO, Diro Labs

Mohit Mamoria

CEO, Authorito Capital

Sonja Prstec


Olga Feldmeier

CEO, Smart Value

Igor Chugunov

CEO, Credit

Andriy Zinchuk


Andriy Zinchuk


Anastasija Plotnikova

COO, Cannabis Global Corp Application

Daniel Morozov

Co-founder, Nodepower

Kiren Tanna

CEO, ZEN Rooms

Rana Gujral

Consultant, Investor

Tuhea Singh

CEO, Propine Capital

Vincent Lim

CEO, Fanfare

Babu Munagala

CEO, Zebi

Alex Crompton

MD, First Entrepreneur

Dmitry Levit

Partner, Cento Ventures

Manny Fernandez

CEO, DreamFunded

Hailey Hu

Investitore, B Capital Group

Nikolai Oreshkin

CEO, Elysium Venture Capital

Nikolai Oreshkin

CEO, Elysium Venture Capital

Varun Chatterji

Angel of Investors

Nathan Christian

Co-founder, Malta Blockchain Association

Mark Pui

Mitra, Cipher Ventures

Bruce Porter Jr.

CEO, Global Boost

Brian Wee

Partner, 8 Kapita
Here are my explanations and to avoid any form of fraud, please find the correct and trustworthy information or visit the following link:

You can send a message to https://t.me/UCIMIO

Website: https://www.ucim.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs
Telegram: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

UCIM al’intention de catalyser la décentralisation dans un esprit authentique

La monnaie Internet a permis de monétiser des idées qui contribuent à la révolution technologique que l’on ne pouvait imaginer il ya plusieurs années. UCIM a l'intention de catalyser la décentralisation dans sa véritable essence, en rassemblant des personnes et des experts qui croient en leur pouvoir.

Ainsi, cet événement deviendra un lien intermédiaire entre les structures traditionnelles de la centralisation et les nouvelles idées d'une économie décentralisée. Grâce à ce réseau illimité et sans frictions, le monde assistera à l'intégration de la technologie, des affaires, des idées et des rêves.

Vision à la réalité.
L'événement vise à satisfaire la curiosité mondiale croissante en fournissant les informations appropriées, des opinions d'experts et un contenu pertinent autour des technologies futuristes avec une approche non conventionnelle.

La conférence UCIM a été conçue pour inclure plusieurs événements et opportunités pouvant être utilisés pour des réseaux exclusifs, nouer des partenariats au sein d’un groupe fermé de personnes partageant les mêmes idées et participer à divers événements. UCIM fournira une plate-forme pour la création de liens solides en organisant des événements couvrant le pitching, la cryptographie, les récompenses, les tables rondes, les réseaux privés et les after-parties.

Qui participera à UCIM? , Les
amateurs de chaîne Block, crypto-conversions, FinTech, AI, ML et d' autres technologies de nouvelle génération dans le monde entier seront présents à UCIM. Avec un mélange équilibré d'investisseurs, de concepteurs d'idées, de startups et de médias, cet événement deviendra une plate-forme pour diffuser l'esprit de décentralisation et d'innovation.
UCIM Blockchain Conference

Pour donner aux jeunes entreprises les moyens de modifier l’espace économique mondial en utilisant des technologies futuristes

Conférence UCIM Blockchain Penser les
Pour équiper les leaders de demain des meilleures pratiques et des idées inspirantes.

Conférence UCIM Blockchain
Capturez une conférence couvrant tous les secteurs et les technologies qui font la manchette.

Conférence UCIM Blockchain
Pour attirer les investisseurs les plus performants et nouer de précieuses relations avec les leaders d'opinion et les médias.

Nos conférenciers
UCIM sera l'un des meilleurs orateurs de l'industrie, ainsi que les fondateurs de sociétés exceptionnelles associées à la chaîne de blocs et aux sociétés de cryptographie, afin de promouvoir conjointement le progrès. Lorsque des professionnels flexibles interagissent et interagissent avec des spécialistes du monde entier, et se familiarisent avec leurs points de vue sur les sujets les plus pertinents, il est capable d'alimenter la néo-révolution.

Natan Avidan
PDG, ORCA Alliance

Pavel Salas
PDG, Tokenbox

Vishal Gupta
PDG, Diro Labs

Mohit Mamoria
PDG, Authorito Capital

Sonja Prstec

Olga Feldmeier
PDG, Smart Valor

Igor Chugunov
PDG, Crédits

Andriy Zinchuk

Andriy Zinchuk

Anastasija Plotnikova
Directrice générale, Global Cannabis Applications Corp

Daniil Morozov
Cofondateur de Nodepower

Kiren Tanna
PDG, ZEN Rooms

Rana Gujral
Conseillère, Investisseur

Tuhina Singh
PDG, Propine Capital

Vincent Lim
PDG, Fanfare

Babu Munagala
PDG de Zebi

Alex Crompton
MD, Entrepreneur d'abord

Dmitry Levit
Associé, Cento Ventures

Manny Fernandez
PDG, DreamFunded

Hailey Hu
Investor, B Capital Group

Nikolai Oreshkin
PDG, Elysium Venture Capital

Nikolai Oreshkin
PDG, Elysium Venture Capital

Varun Chatterji
Angel Investor

Nathan Christian
Cofondateur, Association des chaînes de Malte (Malta Blockchain Association)

Mark Pui
Associé, Cipher Ventures

Bruce Porter Jr.
PDG, Global Boost

Brian Wee
Associé, 8 personnes

Pour plus d'informations sur UCIM, vous pouvez envoyer un message à https://t.me/UCIMIO.
Site web: https://www.ucim.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs
Télégramme: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B


Today, the web is ablaze with talking about blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency. It shows up inside and out that truly matters to be among the best examples of the front line time. From electronic life to news conveys and even government authorization, it is hard to go a singular day without something Cryptocurrency related being in the news. The talk on the topic is extraordinarily dazzled with strong estimations on all sides of the multi-faceted way that is the advanced money conflict. There are the people who think of it as an air stash and there are other individuals who say it can annoy the overall economy.

Blockchain technology which is the inside Technology behind the cryptocurrency is doubtlessly depicted as an important disruptor of the overall business process. In any case, it appears as though essentially more thought is being paid to cryptocurrency than to blockchain Technology. Various representatives have bounced on the impermanent prevailing fashion to make ICO fights, pitching tokens to the overall public and raising a colossal number of dollars. In less than a long time since Satoshi Nakamoto familiar Bitcoin with the world, an incredible arrangement seems to have happened in the advanced cash space. The point of convergence of this article is to take a gander at the impact that cryptocurrnency is having on the overall economy

Bitcoin was the principal cryptocurrency, and remains the most critical. Because of its developing prominence, it is currently utilized every day for customary exchanges. Surely understood organizations, for example, Etsy and Tram acknowledge bitcoins as a methods for installment. The BitPay Visa check card enables you to transform your cash into your record. Another platform, ChainTrade, utilizes the blockchain to upset the nourishment and crude materials exchange. This budgetary segment represents more than $ 2 trillion per year.

in case you are hunting down a platform inclined to be completely disturbed by blockchain technology, look not any more remote than the UCIM (UNITED CONFERENCE OF INTERNET MONEY)


UCIM meeting has been intended to incorporate a few occasions and openings that can be utilized for select systems administration, framing associations inside a shut gathering of similarly invested experts, and taking an interest crosswise over different occasions. UCIM will give a platform to construct enduring associations by facilitating occasions that range crosswise over pitching, crypto exchanging, grants, roundtables, private systems administration, and after gatherings.

UCIM is a blockchain and cryptocurrency gathering being hanging on 26th and 27th November 2018 in Singapore. With advanced advances making ready for a superior tomorrow by narrowing the hole among physical and computerized domains, the consistent mix of web cash for a decentralized economy is currently a the truth that is holding up to show itself. UCIM means to make a platform that unites new companies, thought pioneers, financial specialists and the media for a consolidated investigation of the tremendous power and capability of the decentralized business and its consequent effect on the economy. Fascinating dialogs, venture openings, and exceptional systems administration to fashion self-supporting and enduring organizations, thoughts and dreams-UCIM offers everything.

The objective of the Event

The objective of the occasion is to fulfill developing worldwide interest by giving the correct data, master feelings and applicable substance around advanced technologys with a non-conventional methodology.

UCIM members

financial specialists

To empower new companies to get change worldwide business space with cutting edge advancements

Supposition pioneers

To outfit tomorrow's pioneers with best practices and rousing considerations.


To catch a gathering covering segments and technologies standing out as truly newsworthy.
New Businesses

To present high-affect financial specialists and make profitable connections with thought pioneers and the media.

Get Tickets

UCIM ticket classes have been redone to address the issues of understudies, experts and industry goliaths. With in excess of 500 partners far and wide and novel systems administration openings, the occasion offers an advancing knowledge as you unwind.

and More to Come!!!

For more Information

Website: https://www.ucim.io/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs

Telegram: https://t.me/UCIMIO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B


UCIM is a blockchain and cryptocurrency conference held on November 26 and 27 2018 in Singapore. With futuristic technology that paves the way for a better tomorrow by narrowing the gap between the physical and digital worlds, seamless integration of internet money for a decentralized economy is now a reality waiting to manifest itself. UCIM aims to create a platform that brings together start-ups, thought leaders, investors and the media to explore the combined strengths of decentralized and potential industries and their impact on the economy. Interesting discussions, investment opportunities, and unique networks to establish sustainable and lasting partnerships, ideas and dreams – UCIM offers everything.

Thus, this event will offer a middle ground between traditional centralized structures and ideas that emerge from a decentralized economy. With this unlimited and friction-free network, the world will witness the integration of technology, business, ideas and dreams.

From Vision to Reality .
The event aims to satisfy the growing global curiosity by providing the right information, expert opinions, and relevant content around futuristic technology with an unconventional approach.

The UCIM conference has been designed to include several events and opportunities that can be used for exclusive networks, form partnerships in closed groups of like-minded professionals, and participate in various events. UCIM will provide a platform to build lasting connections by holding events that include pitching, crypto trading, awards, round tables, private networks, and after parties.
Conference Agenda .
Conference tracks cover a comprehensive and well-researched range of industries and technologies to empower disruptive leadership. Topics have been chosen based on trends that require an unbiased understanding and expert opinion.

UCIM Blockchain Conferenc

Exploring the ongoing efforts that have triggered the adoption and application of intrusive technology without limits, and what they hold for the future.

UCIM Blockchain Conference


Outlining the art behind gathering successful investment, investor relations, and meeting international requirements to establish a competent business.

UCIM Blockchain Conference


Map industry-specific scopes in all existing scenarios and the future to take advantage of the right opportunities for growth, expansion and disruption.

UCIM Blockchain Conference


Understand what current rules and potential across borders mean and how they can affect businesses that want to revolutionize this industry.
Who will attend UCIM? .
Blockchain fans, cryptocurrency, FinTech, AI, ML and other next-gen technologies from around the world will attend UCIM. With a balanced mix of investors, thought leaders, startups and media, this event will be a platform to spread the spirit of decentralization and innovation.

To empower startups that are able to bring about changes in global business space with futuristic technology

UCIM Blockchain Conference

Thinker’s Mind
To equip future leaders with best practices and inspiring thoughts.

UCIM Blockchain Conference


To capture conferences that cover all industries and technologies that make headlines.

UCIM Blockchain Conference

To throw high-impact investors and form valuable connections with thought leaders & Media.
Our speaker .
UCIM will witness some of the best industry speakers together with the founder of the extraordinary blockchain and crypto companies to drive mutual progress. When agile professionals interact and network with experts from all over the world, and are accustomed to their views on the most pressing topics, it is able to trigger the neo-revolution.


David Siegel

CEO, Project Pilla

Bruce Porter Jr.

CEO, Global Boost

Igor Chugunov

CEO, Credit

Natan Avidan
CEO, ORCA Alliance

Sonja Prstec


Olga Feldmeier

CEO, Smart Va

Pavel Salas

CEO, Tokenbo

Manny Fernandez

CEO, DreamFunded

Rana Gujral
Advisor, Investor

Dmitry Levit

Partner, Cento Ventures

Andriy Zinchuk


Babu Munagala

CEO, Zebi

Mohit Mamoria

CEO, Authorito Capital

Hailey Hu

Investor, B Capital Group

Kiren Tanna

CEO, ZEN Rooms

Mark Pui

Mitra, Cipher Ventures

Vincent Lim

CEO, Fanfare

Daniel morozov
Co-Founder, Nodepower

Anastasija Plotnikova

COO, Cannabis Global Corp Application

Alex Crompton

MD, First Entrepreneur

Vishal Gupta

CEO, Diro Labs

Nikolai Oreshkin

CEO, Elysium Venture Capital

Tuhea Singh

CEO, Propine Capita

Nathan Christian

Co-Founder, Malta Blockchain Association

Brian Wee

Partner, 8 Kapita

Varun Chatterji

Angel Investor

Prashant Kirtane

CEO, Travelstop.com

Mohan Belani

CEO, e27

Nebil I Aissa

CEO, Investors at Nexxo & Qpay

Aloysius Wee

Chairperson, ASEAN Legal Alliance

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

More information about UCIM can be found at https://t.me/UCIMIO
Website: https://www.ucim.io/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCIM-United-Conference-of-Internet-Money-1815207551894958/?ref=br_rs
Telegram: https://t.me/UCIMIO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ucimofficial


WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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