Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

WhatsOnPic - The first token in the world equipped with a business model


The e-commerce market is transformed by merging with social networks. The behavior of buyers has changed and is now associated with the phenomenon of impulsive buying.

Consumers are driven by emotions and are willing to imitate and impress 

Thus, they do a lot of shopping to match their peers, imitate the style of their favorite celebrities, or simply because of the desire for high social status. Impulse purchases statistics look quite promising - more than 88% of Americans make impulse purchases, and the amount spent on such purchases makes up almost 40% of all e-commerce sales.


1. What's On Pic is more than just a reward. 

2. This is a tool that will change the market.
3. The mission of What's On Pic is to improve e-commerce by providing the best online shopping experience for users all over the world.

What's On Pic is a service that will facilitate online purchases and make them more enjoyable, allowing users to find products from photos and receive rewards from purchases made from published photos.

What's On Pic creates a platform that allows users to mark products on every photo on the Internet. With the help of browser extensions and mobile applications, users will be given the opportunity to tag their photos on social networks, as well as photos of other people on the Internet.

Friends, now is the time that everyone has a smartphone with a camera in their pocket. Many of us make a huge number of interesting and beautiful photos, but for some reason these people do not think that you can make good money on their own product. Yes, it’s good to put it on social networks to boast of your loved ones. But let's think in the right direction and monetize your work. What I offer. I suggest to everyone, and those who like to take pictures and have an entrepreneurial spirit


The ability to mark photos and receive income from product sales.

All users will be given the opportunity to mark photos and receive income from product sales. The platform is improved and uses artificial intelligence to automate product recognition in photos. The process can be described in a few simple steps:

The user marks the product in the photo using the application or extension in the browser.

Anyone who has seen this photo or its duplicate on the Internet can see the goods by simply hovering the mouse and make a purchase by choosing the best offer among the many shops with this unique extension in the browser.

The store where the purchase is made gives reward to the partner (this reward does not increase the price of the goods).

The original photo publisher receives a reward minus platform commission.

In addition, members receive an AWT each time a purchase is made from the user's post. Initially, for each $ 1 earned, the consumer will additionally receive a token-stimulus in the ratio of fiat 10: 1.


List of stores where you can buy the selected product at the best price.

People view hundreds of photos every day on news sites, forums and in their favorite social networks.

When users see What's On Pic, they will automatically see the products marked in it. The user can click on them, see the description, specifications, choose the size, color and of course make a purchase.

What's On Pic will offer a list of stores where you can buy the selected product at the best price.

It is worth noting that the photos in the photo are not the ones that users are used to seeing on advertising sites or in stores. Photos in What's On Pic are ordinary photos with a celebrity or idol. In these photos, users can see how the products look in everyday life.

To improve the quality of the content, it is also planned to implement tag verification.


What's On Pic is a place where shops can get their customers.

One of the biggest problems for each store is to attract new customers. What's On Pic is the place where shops can get them.

Since people tend to trust the recommendations of their friends, photos taken from everyday life and posted by ordinary users create more trust in the store.

This ability, What's On Pic, allows stores to get hot leads that will turn prospects into customers.


For More Information Click Link Bellow:

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Что на картинке

Что такое токен AWT?

Токен WhatsOnPic (AWT) - это первый в мире токен, защищенный работающей бизнес-моделью и растущей аудиторией рынка электронной коммерции. Наша бизнес-модель позволяет участникам взаимодействовать с платформой и получать стимулы в токенах AWT. Члены сообщества WhatsOnPic будут получать токены, когда покупка совершается через помеченные ими сообщения.

Мы будем поощрять использование токенов, которые можно обменять, обменять и использовать для сервисов на платформе WhatsOnPic. Ценность токенов AWT со временем будет увеличиваться благодаря развитию сервиса и увеличению числа пользователей, которые будут повышать спрос на токены. Это позволит нашим участникам получать больше наград и выгод.

Как работает WhatsOnPic?

WhatsOnPic позволит пользователям отмечать любую фотографию в Интернете и социальных сетях с помощью приложений iOS, Android, а также расширений браузера. Алгоритмы искусственного интеллекта позволят узнавать товары на фотографии, а также все дубликаты этой фотографии в Интернете. Нажав на нужный товар на картинке, пользователь увидит дополнительную информацию о товаре и получит ссылки на магазины, чтобы перейти к покупкам. 

Участники зарабатывают AWT каждый раз, когда совершается покупка из публикации издателя.

Обзор рынка

Рынок электронной коммерции продолжает немного расти. Принимая во внимание, что в настоящее время он трансформируется, сливаясь с социальными сетями, ожидается, что он будет расти еще больше. Более 61% потребителей во всем мире считают, что онлайн-покупки экономят деньги, и цена является наиболее важным фактором при принятии решения о том, где купить. What On Pic предоставляет покупателям список магазинов, в которых они могут купить желаемый товар по лучшей цене. Таким образом, покупатели получат больше возможностей выбрать лучший продукт для себя, а магазины увеличат поток своих покупателей.


Получите скидку 50% на предпродажную сессию первым!

a. 50%
b. 30%
c. 20%
d. 10%
e. 5%

Предпродажная крышка 135`000 AWT




Детальное изучение аффилированных, кэшбэк сервисов и рынка импульсных покупок
Анализ правовых вопросов для запуска услуги в отдельных странах
Конкурентный ландшафтный анализ
Создание спецификаций для серверной части, а также для веб-клиентов и клиентов iOS


Чертеж и утверждение дизайна
Реализация основных функций
Запуск разработки iOS-клиента


Завершение разработки серверной части
Подключение партнерских агрегаторов и отдельных торговых площадок
Реализация функции распределения вознаграждений пользователям
Разработка iOS-клиента
Запуск разработки WEB клиента



Система шифрования и безопасного хранения данных
Запуск бета-версии iOS-клиента
Запуск бета-версии веб-клиента
Массовое тестирование
Исправление ошибок
Реализация дополнительного функционала для iOS в связи с выходом новой версии
Интеллектуальная система сопоставления (на основе фото) разработка бета-версии


Публикация iOS-приложения
Аудитория, таргетинг
Реализация функционала реферальных бонусов за приглашение новых пользователей
Реализация функционала, обеспечивающего вирусный эффект
Внедрение технологий разработки систем: система распознавания образов, кластеризация пользователей


Завершение разработки приложения
Запуск проекта в Северной Америке (первый этап - 2 страны)
Морфологический и семантический анализатор текста


Запуск приложения для iWatch
Система кластеризации пользователей
Подключение новых магазинов



Внедрение собственной торговой платформы на основе метода дропшиппинга для повышения прибыльности
Подключение новых магазинов и платформ монетизации контента / партнерских агрегаторов
Разработка функциональности веб-платформы


Внедрение с использованием пользовательских токенов ICO для покупки в нашем магазине с технологией прямой поставки.

Усовершенствование алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта для распознавания продуктов на фото. Более точное распознавание фотографий с распознаванием бренда (система распознавания изображений)

Улучшение интерфейса для поддержки нативного будущего iPhone X (распознавание FaceID, распространение 3D Touch поверх интерфейса, 3D Touch в приложении с контекстным меню: создание сообщения, проверка баланса, обнаружение)
Внедрение собственной торговой платформы на основе метода дропшиппинга для повышения прибыльности


Развитие поддержки токенов ICO в приложении и добавление возможности зарабатывать токены вместо долларов
Реализация Android-клиента
Реализация клиента для iWatch (проверка баланса, статистики, количества просмотров)
Подключение новых магазинов и платформ монетизации контента / партнерских агрегаторов в странах второго этапа
Запуск проекта в Европе и Азии (второй этап - 10 стран
Старт маркетинговой кампании в странах второго этапа.



Глубокая интеграция с социальными сетями и разработка плагина Google Chrome для идентификации товаров на фотографиях и предоставления удобных ссылок для совершения покупок.
Реализация собственного API для интеграции новых партнеров
Запуск программы выкупа токена

Охват предполагаемой целевой аудитории в странах первого этапа
Подключение новых магазинов и платформ монетизации контента / партнерских агрегаторов в странах третьего этапа
Запуск проекта в странах третьего этапа (третий этап - 14 стран)
Старт маркетинговой кампании в странах третьего этапа.


Охват предполагаемой целевой аудитории в странах второго этапа
Охват предполагаемой целевой аудитории в странах третьего этапа
Адаптация системы и настройка алгоритмов интеллектуального выбора в соответствии с особенностями местной и ментальной аудитории


Запуск приложения в 29 странах и дальнейшее масштабирование проекта по всему миру. По мере развития WhatOnPic мы предполагаем, что сервис станет неоценимой и надежной частью повседневной жизни участников.


Никита Алексеев

Соучредитель | Главный технический директор
Никита получил степень магистра по специальности инженер-автомат. Как технический директор, он отвечает за управление исследованиями и разработками. Никита обладает более чем 10-летним опытом в области технологий, охватывающих корпоративные приложения, интеллектуальный анализ данных, финансовую торговлю и блокчейн. Опыт включает в себя разработку корпоративных приложений с использованием нейронных сетей, интеллектуального анализа данных, высококачественной конфигурации и управления содержимым продукта. Блокчейн и энтузиаст криптографии.

Евгений Каляда

Ведущий разработчик
До присоединения к WhatsOnPic Юджин несколько лет разрабатывал инструменты для IOS. Он специализируется на внешнем и внутреннем тестировании веб-приложения и мобильного Интернета. Он принимал участие в тестировании нового метода оплаты криптографического шлюза. Кроме того, он два года работал в сфере обеспечения качества и имеет практический опыт в обслуживании систем менеджмента качества. Евгений имеет степень бакалавра и магистра по информатике.

Max Lebedev

Руководитель отдела дизайна
Макс как графический дизайнер имеет большой опыт в области графического дизайна. Работал в рекламном агентстве и на различных проектах в основном в финансовой индустрии. 7+ лет опыта в дизайне UX / UI. Большой опыт и знания в области графического дизайна любого уровня сложности. Имеет практические навыки в веб-дизайне, полиграфии, иллюстрации, анимации, 3D-моделировании.

Дмитрий Маньков

С первых дней своей карьеры разработчика Дмитрий специализируется на front-end и имеет богатый опыт работы с HTML, CSS, PHP, Angular JS, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap. Он также обладает знаниями по тонкой настройке SEO. Здесь, в WhatsOnPic, он наконец-то может внести свой вклад, поскольку платформа WhatsOnPic побуждает людей работать вместе, чтобы построить лучший децентрализованный мир. Дмитрий имеет степень бакалавра наук в области телекоммуникаций.


Ann Thread

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

WhatsOnPic - product search by image


hello, my friends who are always loyal, still remember me tuyanto? oh my friends, I want to give information to all of you that what we call a cellphone can we make for income, thanks to this BONAFIT and UNIQUE COMPANY we can get money coffers.

Because this COMPANY has given us an OPPORTUNITY for all of us, and the COMPANY's information has spread throughout the world. and now the COMPANY will give us all the opportunity at the same time this company wants to beat WINGS to be more advanced and more successful.

And what kind of company is only through mobile phones but our lives will change which previously had no income, but now through this bona fide company we have income.

And these companies are:


Friends, now is the time that everyone has a smartphone with a camera in their pocket.Many of us make a huge number of interesting and beautiful photos, but for some reason these people do not think that you can make good money on their own product.Yes, it’s good to put it on social networks to boast of your loved ones.But let's think in the right direction and monetize your work.What I offer.I suggest that everyone, and those who like to photograph and have an entrepreneurial spirit, look at the new solution in this area from WhatsOnPic.

What Is WhatsOnPic ?

WhatsOnPic is a whole platform designed to help a user who wants to sell or purchase a product using an image.Already, the application is available for owners of devices on the iOS platform, as well as in the form of extensions for the most common browsers.With this platform it is very easy to purchase a product, looking at his photo on the Internet.To do this, just click on the image, and you will transfer to the store, where you can directly make a purchase interesting things to you.

Why WhatsOnPic

As mentioned earlier, now almost everyone has a smartphone, and therefore it is not difficult to make a high-quality photo of the goods.Very soon, the service will be integrated with social networks, where there is now a huge number of users.That is why the potential for work is enormous.So why not earn this?I would also note that in such a directory, it is much easier to choose an interesting thing than to search through the Internet and not have anything to stay with.

How does WhatsOnPic work

To work with WhatsOnPic, you must install the application.It can already be downloaded to owners of iOS devices, as well as on a PC, as an extension for the browser.Having seen the thing that interests you on the Internet, the user clicks on it and gets all the information of interest.Up to where it can be purchased.It is also just necessary to note that this is not a simple application, but with the integration of the work of artificial intelligence.This will allow to recognize even duplicates of the initial image of the product, which will increase at times the quality of the search.


The main means of payment on the WhatsOnPic platform is the AWT token.The cost of this token is now protected by the working model of the application and the ever-growing community of interested people.

Everyone who interacts with the platform receives a reward.All holders of AWT tokens are allowed to sell, buy and exchange them on the exchange for fiat currencies.The ever-growing demand for the application and community development will boost the price of AWT tokens.Also, the most important part of the rise in the price of a token is their constant redemption from users and burning.

The Future of WhatsOnPic

Since the team already has a finished product, let's take a look at the future and see what they have planned. First, we would like to note the gradual development of the platform and access to the world market, that is, to Europe, Asia and other continents.This greatly expands the possibility of buying things of interest. Secondly - the introduction of new algorithms for working with images, which will significantly improve the search. Thirdly, the creation of new stores for downloading images with goods that will be available to everyone.Well, in the end I would like to note the launch of its own dropshipping system for better conversion of profits.This is planned for next year.And, approximately in a year, the introduction of the aggregation function with social networks is expected.In general, it will be very easy to work.Do not miss this opportunity.

The Project Roadmap

The Project Team


In my opinion, representatives of WhatsOnPicoffer us the best solution for the monetization of goods on the image on the modern market.I note that I have never met such a plan.

Their product is already working, which is a big advantage over competitors.In addition, the availability of innovative technologies makes the product very easy to use.I also like the plan of the community development team, as well as the burning of tokens to increase its value.

As you can see, the project representatives have already calculated the development of their off spring for a couple of years ahead.

Official resources of the WhatsOnPic project:

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019

в игре могут участвовать только токены MDL Hodler

Изображение приводит к совпадению миллиардов
Match Billion

Все, конечно, знают эту игру, потому что действительно это очень забавная игра, а не новая игра для тех из нас, кто уже играет в азартные игры, возможно, мы все знаем больше об играх Powerball. Вы можете увидеть очень большой джекпот, и у каждого есть шанс выиграть его. Billion Match поставляется с необычным обновлением.разработан легче и использует лучшие технологии. 

Match Billion представляет игры Powerball более увлекательными благодаря криптовалюте и технологии блокчейна.использование технологии блокчейн, безусловно, делает игру Powerball в Match Billion стать более прозрачным. Следует помнить, что в игре могут участвовать только жетоны лодырей MDL, играть не могут те, у кого нет жетонов MDL.

Как получить токен MDL?

Поскольку играть в Match Billion могут только участники, у которых есть токены MDL , участники, не имеющие токена MDL, могут купить его непосредственно на веб-сайте Match Billion . На основании информации от администратора группы токены MDL теперь доступны на их веб-сайте. но в будущем он сказал, что мы можем получить токены MDL на рынке криптовалют.

Тогда как насчет тех, у кого нет капитала? Сейчас команда разработчиков Match Billion проводит Airdrop для своих новых пользователей. Подобно тому, как вначале дают капитал, новые пользователи могут сразу играть в Match Billion без необходимости вносить депозит. правила полета вы можете увидеть на этой странице.

Дорожная карта

Когда я увидел план из Match Billion , я был немного удивлен, потому что они продолжали давать мне большие бонусы джекпота для участников, которые хотели присоединиться. Джекпот предоставляется, и все участники и игроки могут получить различные события. Что интересно, так это предоставление джекпотов не только для BTC или ETH, но они также предоставляют джекпоты в виде жетонов MDL.

Это немыслимо, если вы получите глобальный джекпот от Match Billion ? нет ничего плохого в попытке играть, это очень весело.

Как играть

1. Вам нужно 2 жетона MBL на воспроизведение или на строку.

Выберите нужную линию (чем больше строк, тем больше MBL-токенов вы должны заплатить).

3. Затем выберите 5 номеров, которые вы хотите, вы можете выбрать от 1 до 69 номеров.

4. Выберите свой номер на экране или позвольте сайту случайным образом выбрать ваш номер. Вы получите свой билет на блокчейн.

5. Вы можете увидеть выбранный номер в обзоре, а также добавить Power Play, чтобы удвоить количество ставок, которые мы можем получить за пределами джекпота.


Существует ряд мероприятий, которые команда Match Billion проведет в ближайшем будущем и в долгосрочной перспективе, что можно увидеть на дорожной карте, если она заинтересована, постарайтесь следовать ей. Все они дарили подарки победителям и счастливчикам. нет ничего плохого в том, что вы пытаетесь, кто знает, что в этот раз вы станете нашим миллионером.

Нажмите на ссылку ниже здесь для получения дополнительной информации

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

only MDL hodler tokens can participate in the game

Bets have come a long way over the past few years. This promotion is partly due to the rapid development of technology, as well as its use in games and events. MatchBillion is a Jackpot platform that seeks to revolutionize betting using Blockchain technology.

What did MatchBillion do?

This is a betting platform, which aims to give a new touch to the betting industry concept. Pedestrians on the platform will be able to make bets in games and events during the jackpot at the same time. MatchBillion gives you the opportunity to bet on a wider range of functions than regular bets, including in various games and events which are mostly JACKPOT. This is due to the fact that regular bets are mainly related to the results of the game, and have various prizes that accompany the results. MatchBillion uses images of PowerBall (or Mega Millions or Euro Millions), depending on the game) to determine the jackpot winner. The digit line in the jackpot will definitely make you dizzy! All you have to do is guess a few numbers and if there is a match, the prize is yours.www.matchbillion.com

What Makes MatchBillion Unique?

It has a bet with almost instant results, Gamification, It's dynamic and involves, Users don't need to think about opportunities.

Betting on MatchBillion is a unique platform that combines sports betting in highly profitable games with live match dynamics. Modern technology and the latest advancements in the field of AI allow us to recreate football, matches that match in the form of graphs that move up or down depending on the current field situation. While regular bets (and also versions in the game) revolve around the results of a match, we offer the opportunity to place bets literally on everything that happens during a live match by making a split-second decision. MatchBillion is a concept, whose main goal is the possibility for fans and users to bet on the game, predict the progress of the event and make a schedule for the future, while tracking ongoing matches in real time. And the result of a good bet is, thus, actual profit.

Project Team Views

Using extensive experience in financial betting, the project team concluded that sport is a niche that can attract more users to the platform, thus increasing their attention and interest through the emergence of new motivational lovers. This is the betting phase that gives you a decentralized game spotlight, allowing you to play independently or in meetings. You can test your capacity and fight with your friends. We will provide elements where you can bet and end products from famous meetings with your friends. We will make placement space on the internet more inventive and intuitive. By becoming a member of this highlight, we can stimulate competition between players, test their skills and learn from others. We are not just a general deployment phase, we are better and more creative. To maximize user reach, the team decided to enter betting bets and peer-to-peer games. The developer also claims that at present, the MatchBillion platform is at an optimal entry point to the market due to high interest in bets from event enthusiasts around the world ..

How do you play the game at MatchBillion?

You need 2 MBL tokens per game, choose five numbers from 1 to 69 for white balls; then select one number from 1 to 26 for the red ball, select your number on the screen or let the website randomly choose your number, you get your blockchain ticket proof, the jackpot starts from 40 million and grows from there, the player wins the prize by matching incorrectly one of 9 Ways to Win.

This is a dynamic and fun experience that can generate significant profits. Basically, we make a better gamified version. MatchBillion is a new concept of Jackpot betting, where players can make bets in matches and join matches simultaneously. MatchBillion is a betting platform that seeks to revolutionize betting using the Blockchain. Each match is represented by a direct graph, and the betting process is very similar to financial trading.

Bet feature at MatchBillion

Bets are quite simple to place and can be done with one finger. All users have to do is choose the direction, size, and time frame for placing bets.


The system provides payments to players during matches, no need to wait for the end of the match. There are fixed odds on betting makers in singleplayer mode, while odds are more dynamic with the pool system in multiplayer mode.

Bid on Accuracy 

System accuracy is precisely related to modern technology and fine-tuning mechanisms that track game processes, such as ball tracking and players, events, Jackpots and team statistics and players that help present matches in detail.

Why MatchBillion Requires Blockchain

1. Transparency and justice 

All graphic points are increasingly stored on the blockchain, available for public reviews, which eliminates fraud.

2. Bet tracking 

You can see all bets that have been made without disclosing the bettor's personal information.

3. Smart Contract 

Support game logic and standard payment calculations in Multiplayer, fully protect intermediary transactions.

Where did the MatchBillion Concept Come from?

This comes from the experience of the team itself in reality. The team has extensive experience in financial betting, and has spent years developing financial products and games and the psychology of traders and has things that are invisible compared to research bulls. Bets have become very popular and can be accessed by professionals. But for some players, especially younger players, this is very complicated and boring. That's why we go further by changing bets into fun games where you can get money (MatchBillion Tokens).

What are the benefits of examiners from benefits?

Given that the game takes place in real time, these graphic values ​​are carefully monitored using various tracking devices, which allow you to update the current situation using curve indicators. The use of AI technology will enable the platform to fully automate the processing and calculation of data, according to the results of the matches. At the same time, the analyst will monitor the development of the game.

Click the link below here for more information

Website: http://www.matchbillion.com/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5118755.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatchBillion
Telegram: https://t.me/ matchbillion

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

MatchBillion - 모두에게 기회를 제공하는 글로벌 복권

MatchBillion ICO 이미지

안녕하십니까,이 새로운 글은 매우 흥미롭고 좋은 프로젝트 인 MatchBillion에 대해 소개하고 싶습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음 토론으로 넘어 갑니 :

MatchBillion 소개
추첨은 확실히 인기가 있으며, 그 중 일부는 참가자들이 수억 달러를 얻는 것을 허용합니다. 이러한 복권 중 하나가 Powerball입니다. 그와 같은 복권 상품 기금은 놀라운 데, 2013 년에는 5 억 9 천만 달러, 2016 년에는 3 억 달러의 대성돈이 나옵니다. 그러한 복권은 큰 성공과 인기 일뿐입니다.하지만 전 세계 복권을 만들고 모든 사람들에게 게임을 할 수 있다면 어떨까요? 모두가 큰 승리를 얻을 수 있다면 어떨까요? 기적 같은 소리? 그러나 그것은 현실입니다! MatchBillion은 모든 사람들에게이 기회를 제공합니다.

10 억 일치. 잘란 바루 (Jalan Baru)의 파워 볼
Billion Game Match는 유명한 Powerball 게임이지만 블록 체인 및 암호 해독 기능을 사용합니다. 동시에 Billion Match는 두 가지 이점을 얻고 게임의 원래 조건과 잘 알려진 조건을 유지하며 두 번째로 www.matchbillion.com 웹 사이트를 통해 모든 사람이 게임에 액세스 할 수있게합니다. 동일한 블록 체인 기술은 프로세스를 가능한 한 투명하게 만들어 주며 게임 결과에 대한 권한없는 영향의 가능성을 제거합니다.

따라서 인기있는 복권은 참가자의 서클을 크게 확장시킬 수 있습니다.

파워 볼 - 미화, 경기 수 - MBL

파워 볼 추첨에 참가하려면 참가자는 수 달러에 대한 티켓을 사야 만하지만 경기 수에 일치하는 경우 사용자는 게임에 참여하기 위해 MBL 플랫폼 토큰이 필요하며 최소 2 MBL 토큰이 게임에 참여해야합니다.
현재 토큰 을 얻는 방법에는 두 가지가 있습니다 .

온라인 구매
공기 방울로 가라.
에어 드롭으로 동전을 얻으려면 다음을해야합니다.
사이트 www.matchbillion.com에 등록하면 매우 빠릅니다.
이메일을 확인하십시오.
또한 t.me / matchbillion 전보 및 twitter twitter.com/MatchBillion 사용자를 구독하여 각 구독에 대해 10 MBL 토큰을 받으십시오.

따라서 추첨에 참여하는 데 필요한 토큰을 받게됩니다. 현재, 1 MBL 토큰의 비용은 $ 0.01 billion입니다. Jackpot Match는 현재 625 백만 MBL 대성공 +2 ​​BTC 토큰 625 백만 MBL 48 1,488 BTC, 7 43,749 ETH 에 도달 할 수있는 운이 좋은 매우 큰 상금 참가자를 제공합니다 

어떻게 그런 대박을 얻을 수 있니? 어쨌든 모두는 일치 10 억에 감사, 그러나 규칙에 따르면, 대성공이 철회되지 않는 경우에, 총계는 소유자를 찾아 내기 위하여 증가한다.

게임 방법?

시작하려면 2 MBL 토큰이 있어야합니다.
하얀 공을 위해 1에서 69까지 5 개의 숫자를 선택하십시오

1. 빨간 공을 1 ~ 26 중에서 하나를 선택하십시오


2019 년 2 월 "파워 볼 경기"가 살아있다.
2019 년 3 월 "Match Mega Millions"라이브
2019 년 4 월 "EuroMillions Match"에 직접 연락 함.

사업 개발 및 마케팅
2019 년 8 월 MBL + 3 BTC Jackpot
2020 년 2 월 MBL 대성공 + 10 BTC
2020 년 8 월 MBL 대성공 + 50 BTC
2021 년 2 월 MBL + 100 BTC Jackpot
2022 년 2 월 MBL 대성공 + 1,000 BTC
2023 년 2 월 MBL + 2,000 BTC Jackpot
2024 년 2 월 MBL + 5,000 BTC Jackpot
2025 년 2 월 MBL 대성공 + 10,000 BTC

Matchbillion.com은 유명한 복권의 사용자를 제공하지만 더 높은 투명성과 확신을 가지고 있습니다. 모든 사용자는 어디에 살든지 상관없이 2 MBL 토큰 만 있으면 놀라운 대박에서 우승 할 수있는 놀라운 기회를 얻을 수 있습니다. 따라서 Matchbillion.com은 전 세계 온라인 복권 산업을 변화시키고 있습니다.

정확한 정보

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
address wallet (eth) 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Match Billion

Match Billion.

Hallo, teman-teman saya semuanya, saya tuyanto, saya ingin memberikan sebuah informasi tentang perusahaan yang paling unik dan paling bonafit diantara perusahaan- perusahaan yang lainya, dan anda semua harus tau dan harus pintar-pintar memilih perusahaan tersebut apakah perusahaan tersebut akan menguntungkan kepada anda apa justru malah sebaliknya.

Ini semua adalah pilihan anda sendiri,akan tetapi kalau anda benar-benar ingin merubah kehidupan anda sekeluaga dengan cara mendapatkan yaitu sebuah pundi-pundi penghasilan/ sebuah uang yang di berikan kepada anda dari perusahaan tersebut.
Dan perusahaan mana yang berani memberi imbalan yang sesuai kita harapkan, hanya perusahaan inilah yang bisa memberi sesuai yang kita inginkan dan kita harapkan,perusahaan apa itu? perusahaanya adalah?:

Match billion.

karena perusahaan ini telah menghadirkan sebuah Powerball Games Lebih Menyenangkan dengan Teknologi Cryptocurrency dan Blockchain.

TentangMatch billion.

Semua orang pasti tahu game ini, karena memang ini adalah game yang sangat menyenangkan dan bukan game baru bagi kita yang sudah bermain judi, mungkin kita semua tahu lebih banyak tentang game Powerball. Anda dapat melihat jackpot besar dan semua orang memiliki kesempatan untuk memenangkannya. Match Billion hadir dengan pembaruan luar biasa. dirancang lebih mudah dan menggunakan teknologi yang lebih baik. Match Billion menghadirkan game-game Powerball yang lebih menyenangkan dengan teknologi cryptocurrency dan blockchain. penggunaan teknologi blockchain tentu membuat game Match Billion Powerball lebih transparan. Harus diingat bahwa hanya token MDL hodlers yang dapat berpartisipasi dalam game, mereka yang tidak memiliki token MDL tidak dapat bermain.

Pengguna interner dari berbagai pencapaian di seluruh dunia dapat menggunakan salah satu opsi dengan kepemilikan saldo bitcoin untuk mengerjakan skema dengan kesempatan untuk memenangkan penarikan tiket lotere untuk pindah ke New York City dengan hadiah hadiah sebagai keputusan untuk bermain dengan MATCHBILLION platform dari pengembang dari negara-negara Eropa.

Kadang-kadang mereka mungkin menggambar angka sebanyak mungkin dari pilihan favorit pengguna tetapi jarak ke loket pemesanan tiket mungkin berada di area yang berbeda karena pengguna internet dapat mengumpulkan manfaat dengan penawaran dari pengembang MATCH MILIAR untuk memesan tiket untuk bekerja pada skema dengan bermain hiburan lotere.

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Hanya pemegang token MBL yang dapat berpartisipasi. Sebagai situs penggemar, kami tidak menggambar angka kemenangan. Kami mempercayai transparansi situs Powerball resmi dan menerima nomor yang ditarik di situs itu untuk jackpot kami dan penghargaan yang lebih kecil.

Anda dapat secara independen memverifikasi hasil di situs Powerball resmi. Jika bukti blockchain tiket Anda cocok dengan angka yang ditarik, Anda adalah pemenang sehingga memberi Anda hak membual di https://t.me/matchbillion .

Blockchain membuatnya mudah! Transparansi tidak bisa lebih baik.

Match 5 Awards

Jika lima digit pilihan putih Anda sama persis maka Anda adalah jutawan kami berikutnya! Cocokkan semua 5 angka putih, Anda dijamin akan memenangkan 1 juta MBL + 10 Ethereum. Ada sepuluh penghargaan Match 5 dengan 100 Ethereum (10X10 ETH) yang tersedia untuk distribusi.

Cocokkan Billion Jackpot

Pertandingan 5 + Powerball merah akan memukul Jackpot. Lacak angka kemenangan di https://www.powerball.com/

Award: Jackpot MBL + 2 BTC

Cara bermain?

1. Anda membutuhkan 2 token MBL per pemutaran.

2. Pilih lima angka dari 1 hingga 69 untuk bola putih; lalu pilih satu angka dari 1 hingga 26 untuk bola merah.

3. Pilih nomor Anda di layar atau biarkan situs web secara acak memilih nomor Anda. Anda mendapatkan bukti blockchain tiket Anda.

Jackpot mulai dari 40 juta dan tumbuh dari sana!
Pemain memenangkan hadiah dengan mencocokkan salah satu dari 9 Cara untuk Menang.

Power Play

Tambahkan Power Play dengan game Anda!
Untuk token 1 MBL tambahan per pemutaran, fitur Power Play dapat mengalikan hadiah non-jackpot dengan 2, 3, 4, 5 atau 10 kali!

Angka pengganda dipilih secara acak tepat sebelum setiap gambar di https://www.powerball.com/ . Sebagai situs penggemar, kami tidak menggambar angka kemenangan.

Pengganda 10X hanya berlaku ketika jackpot yang diiklankan adalah 150 juta token MBL atau kurang.

Hadiah Match 5 dengan Power Play selalu 2 token MBL.

Peta jalan

Ketika saya melihat peta jalan dari Match Billion, saya sedikit terkejut karena mereka terus memberi saya bonus jackpot besar untuk anggota yang ingin bergabung. Jackpot diberikan dan semua peserta dan pemain bisa mendapatkan berbagai acara. 

Yang menarik adalah penyediaan jackpot tidak hanya untuk BTC atau ETH, tetapi mereka juga menyediakan jackpot dalam bentuk token MDL.

Feb, 2019:
Match Powerball” langsung

Mar, 2019: 
Match Mega Jutaan" langsung

Apr, 2019: 
Match EuroMillions” langsung

Pengembangan Bisnis dan Pemasaran

Agustus, 2019: 
Jackpot MBL + 3 BTC

Jackpot MBL + 10 BTC

Agustus, 2020: 
Jackpot MBL + 50 BTC

 Jackpot MBL + 100 BTC

Jackpot MBL + 1,000 BTC

Jackpot MBL + 2,000 BTC

Jackpot MBL + 5,000 BTC

Jackpot MBL + 10,000 BTC

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Klik Tautan Di Bawah Ini:

telegram: @dhewio8
link profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
alamat wallet (eth) 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019


Staying healthy is an essential tool for vision, aspiration fulfillment in every area of endeavor. Health is wealth according to research carry in most recognize academic institution in many nations of the world today hence to enjoy and fun in natural parks , workplace , and other vacation places everyone must stay healthy.

How to keep fit and look healthy despite the unstoppable increase in age on a daily basis in the human race is a challenge that everyone is looking up to solve for them directly or indirectly and this challenges faces everyone also brings to the question of how can we development an habit of keeping health so that we can all enjoy the natural resources of the earth for a long period of time and becomes more relevant in our everyday life.

After much research have been done on the health issues the MHEALTHCOIN takes the lead to create a solution using the blockchain technology to create a healthy ecosystem globally.



a crypto currency platform that is built on the state of the art facilities to revolutionize the health industry by collecting medical data of users of the platform so that users can gain full understanding of their health status to keep fit and live healthy life and also by giving incentives as reward package. with MHEALTHCOIN “you think you stay healthy” this means before any disease or illness get too serious in the body or even enter the body with the help of the mhealthcoin you can be proactive to prevent this disease affecting you through aid of the wearable device that was design by the team to alert you all times .


THE MHEALTCOIN Smart wearable devices is a secure and well structure device that collect health data which provide a transparent analysis of the body condition irrespective of your geopolitical location which is aim to serve you better .

The device which is wearable is used to calculate how many calories you spend per time during the course of an exercise that allows the body to keep fit which is tag with a reward of the native token of the mhealthcoin ecosystem. Users are eligible to win the token within 24 hours a day and this also include users who are taking rest that is sleeping which is another form of keeping fit to be eligible to win the token base on the numbers of the calories they spent while sleeping .

Hence mhealthcoin envisage to build a robust and reliable ecosystem that will be of top benefit to users in having a healthy body


The design mobile application of the mhealthcoin is total linked to smart wearable devices which collects health data so that everyone can a good shopping moment at the token store. With the ERC-20 token, mHealthCoin, users can get a good sleep with the mobile application, even with simple things like exercise. And will be able to shop from the application. Token in, as the project progresses will be recognized by different parties across the nations of the world to that there will be a global impact.

Moreover the health data of the users of the platform will be store securely on the blockchain for Artificial intelligence analysis. Base on this note the AI analyst will be able to give a prescription on how a user’s who submitted a health data should keep to fit and also on the mhealthcoin platform there will a chat box where users can communicate and give health advices and solves health challenges globally .

The good news is that the AI agency that will be integrate into the platform is design with health tools to create tips and advice for everyone.



The Smart Wristband and smart watch aim to produce wearable devices of the kind that can be fully integrated into the life of the user of the platform

Parents will be able to monitor their children closely with the help of the integration of the GPS tracking functions of the device.

For the aging population their healthcare will be guarantee and secure through the SOS functions which can be used for emergency calls for help because most these aging people at left a home during the working hours of the day. These will also be used to monitor their body functions.

The device is digital edification system innovated to enable users to stay in life for long period of time as they desire which will motivated and will create a chains of exercise programs based on users aim and objectives.

In all the mhealthcoin is design to create a smart lifestyle solution in the internet of things


The mhealthcoin is built on the ethereum smart contract which is use to run the platform and also to reward everyone . token will be traded in reputable exchange in no distance time

Start date February 15th, 2019 March 1st, 2019
End date February 28th, 2019 June 30th, 2019
Ticker MHEC
Token type ERC20
Mining Yes
Token supply (for sale/total) 3,120,000,000 / 6,000,000,000
Soft cap ETH 3,000 or BTC 732 or equivalent value
Hard cap USD 25,000,000
Estimated capitalization (Total valuation = Hard cap/tokens for sale * total token supply) ~ USD 48m
Token price Please, see the pricing model below.
Discounts/Bonuses Yes
Lock-ups Yes
Minimum purchase 0.1 ETH or 0.003175 BTC
Currencies accepted ETH, BTC
Restricted list China, USA
KYC procedures Yes, performed by the team
Country of legislation Hong Kong


ICO Team 

Andy Yuen
CEO at mHealthCoin

Viaceslavas Ruck
CTO at mHealthCoin

Michael Ng

Alvis Jean
Engineering Specialist

Justas Paker
marketing manager

For more information kindly visit any of the link below:

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

mHealthCoin Rating Review

Our Mission

What We Believe:

We believe that everyone in the world has to be aware of healthiness himself or herself, no matter how old we are, how fat we are, or even how tall we are. 

However, in reality, most of the people would be likely aware their health situation until they get sick, serious illness, abnormal state or other forms in terms of “illness” instead of trying to prevent in earlier stage.Our mission is to provide a platform with more diversified data collected for users to understand the health status by themselves in order to gain some incentives by improving health status or awareness of own healthiness. A widespread ideology of proactive awareness of own health status is our goal of this project.

Technical Description

The all-round mHealthCoin platform is a blockchain based health data keeping and analysis platform. When members do exercises and follow healthy habit, the health data will be captured by our mobile app and smartwearable and encrypted and submitted to blockchain. Each user will have his own chain for keeping health and account information, new coins will be generated as health information grows. The blockchain will be based on Nxt blockchain, using Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus.

Our app is also an all-in-one platform for peers to manage their data and wallet. Our smartwearable supports 24 hours monitoring and different special features for different needs.

Cloud health token exchange will be a marketplace for you to use your coins on whatever your heart desires. Small and Big data analysis and AI will be used to bring users discounts, services and goods that are most relevant to their health and fitness goals. A chatbot, bob the chatbot, will be built to offer personalized advice to further encourage members to follow the healthy habits and achieve their health and fitness goals. Hence a positive feedback loop is formed.


Vendor’s products are linked to advertiser campaigns and content within the mHealthCoin platform


Let vendors or advertisers put tokens received in the transaction back into the platform to pay for advertising, creating a full cycle of flow of interaction between coins and tokens.


Users can treat their mHealthTokens mined in early stage can be spent as a discount to purchase the products or services from the platform


To provide user a one-stop solution for a smarter living style, IoT technology will be developed to our smart devices in the later stage. Users can control their connected home anywhere at mHealthcoin APP or even wearable devices.



GPS trace function is added for parents to trace the location of their children



SOS function is added for elderly to use under emergent situation and calling for help monitor their body situations



A digital training system designed to keep users fit and motivated for life, features diversified exercises instruction video which will build a series of workouts based on users' individual goal and training preferences



To provide user a one-stop solution for a smarter living style, IoT technology will be developed to our smart devices in the later stage. Users can control their connected home anywhere at mHealthcoin APP or even wearable devices.

Token Sales:


10th Dec, 2018 to 31st Dec, 2018


1st January, 2019


1st January, 2019

Token Distribution And Project Roadmap.

Allocation of Token

Project Roadmap

Our Team












To find more relevant details please follow several sources for the following references:

telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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