BACKGROUND:Cognitive collaboration and collaboration between artificial intelligence, robots, people, sensor and hardware networks are distributed under the Smart Ethereum contract. Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Age of Magnus brings fundamental changes in the way smart systems are built and interact with each other. Magnus's main goal is to provide intelligent machines and better people, cheaper and faster robots and artificial intelligence ensures better collaboration with other collective Magnus network agents.
In addition, Magnus will have its own independent bot agent called Sentry Bots, which will ensure that evil agents leave Magnus's network. Sentry Bots uses positive and negative lists to maintain the reputation and efficiency of the Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and trade with other block blocks or networking networks without future blocks in the future, using gateways called portals. Portals will ensure that Magnus, even if Magnus does not take a leadership role in the network, never becomes obsolete or obsolete. This portal will translate the negotiations and requests between different networks and will open Magnus for all external ones.
What is MAGNUS?
Magnus has been created to define the universe of Robotics and AI automation for organizations. It is also the first Dual Robot Token and AI ICO in the world built on two platforms - Ethereum and NEO. Magnus is the network of intelligent AI agents, Robots, Sensors, hardware and the first decentralized human that creates a global market for knowledge, skills, and processing power.
What is robotics?
Robotics is the science of robots, which is a machine that can mimic certain human actions. There are robots that can automatically respond to the condition of the surrounding environment. The term robot comes from a Czech vocabulary robot, which means "forced labor". Generally robots do their work like slaves. They work for a very long time and for a series of tasks repeatedly. There is a type of test robot that experts use to check how similar their movements are when imitating human movement.
Robotics Program:
Robots can be programmed to perform tasks that humans find boring or unpleasant. If the electronic circuit and all mechanisms are protected, the robot is also capable of operating in hazardous conditions. Robot Able to handle radioactive materials, spray paint in smoke-filled rooms, work in the water, and explore environmentally less environmentally friendly on the surface of Mars. Robots are also used to detect and defuse bombs and landmines.
Type of Robot

Usually robots in the industrial world are a kind of robotic arm, which has mechanical joints that allow them to move smoothly.This type of robot can also change the length of the arm as needed. The force of the arm drive is sourced from a hydraulic or pneumatic system. The amount of movement toward the robot arm is called the degrees of freedom. Rotate the joints, move up and down, and move sideways to have three degrees of freedom.
At the end of the robot arm there is a device called tip effector, whether it is a holding hand, a sprayer, a laser, a cutters and a metal welder, or other device. The microprocessor unit gives instructions to the motor inside the robot arm to position the tip of the effector just above the targeted point and now comes the platform that can be connected in the blockchain world of MAGNUS.
Human collaboration with AI (Robot)
AI innovation has accelerated in recent years - a key driver of growth is cheap computing and access to large data sets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing, and machine learning have driven many common technologies today, ranging from search engines, voice assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting.Creating a combined cognitive platform is already happening - this is not a research project in a college laboratory - and it's accelerating faster in the past decade.
Up to now smart people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change the fundamental logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as the new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we see an era of augmentation in which humans must work with AI to produce tangible results. Smart machines can process, store, and remember information more quickly and better than us humans. In addition, AI can match patterns faster and generate a wider array of alternatives than we can. AI can even learn faster.In the age of the smart machine, our old definition of what makes someone smart does not make sense.
Token Magnus is designed to achieve this goal. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from scratch, and centralizes the value made by the collective. It has mechanisms in place for inflation incentives. To verify the service, it supports 2 years of popular and industrial Robotic platform rentals and to appreciate good faith on the network.
Magnus Token is revived after careful thought and long consideration of its benefits. We have been thinking about the economic logic of hard coding versus designing the economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we can not find a token that meets all Token's unique requirements - the collective may collapse - and fail to achieve the stated objectives.
The conclusion of our careful analysis is that only the original token that allows Magnus Collective to optimize the desired destination. To create markets that facilitate transactions, ensure access to the world, and drive growth, we need the original tokens tuned for the Robotics, AI, and IOT markets. And we have decided to order our tokens with the Robotics platform rental - Especially the Smart Robot Top Table platform.
Robotics, AI, and IOT Market
3 trillion USD (estimated, 2017)
Hard Cap
30,000 ETH
Soft Cap
1 000 ETH
Sales timely
5 February - 30 June 2018
Currency accepts
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 NEO = 679 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (NEP-5 / MGSN / GAS)
1 GAS = 217 MGSN (Expected) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate for 1 MGSN = $ 0.078
Price (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
1 ETH = 620 MGS (Estimated) / Value will be reset one day before ICO open to reflect base rate 1 MGS = $ 0.66.
Token not sold
Will be burned
Emission level
No new tokens will be created
500 000 000
For ICO (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
59 100 000
Supply (NEP-5 / MGSN / NEO)
1 000 000 000
Supply (ERC-20 / MGS / Ethereum)
118 200 000
Symbol (NEO)
Symbol (Ethereum)

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