Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018



Small and medium business have exceeded the trillion-dollar market, despite the small and medium enterprises contributing to the growth of the economy the small and medium businesses have experienced challenges from strict regulations of financial markets and banking standards affecting the growth and creating a barrier to entry. The centralization of the financial systems is not healthy and needs a solution towards making a stable environment that empowers and promotes small and medium businesses.
As an entrepreneur this is the reason I support blockchain technologies and tokenization of businesses that will transform the business environment lowering the barrier to entry to new entrants and existing businesses through financial empowerment.
Businesses will be able to digitize their assets an borrow capital creating a new economy for financial transparency and effectiveness of capital applications and processing, with a current shortage of 8 trillion capital the market is ripe for the community to join hands and provide a solution that the centralized financial institutions have failed our economy.
(Video Source: YouTube - Invest into the free future )
One of the blockchain projects providing a solution to the challenges small and medium businesses faces when acquiring capital is MUST a platform that provides tokenization capabilities for the global businesses solving the main problems small and medium businesses face which is acquisition of capital.


Must platform is a decentralized platform for digitization, tokenization and trade of assets through smart contracts that provides small and medium businesses allowing them to access capital through bonds and stocks, the distributed ledger technology will allow the processes to be transparent and secure allowing the investor and the borrower to monitor and track their investments and funds use in real time. This will allow investors and borrower to interact without the need of third-party intermediaries who have been increasing the capital interests through their substandard services.


Must platform empower small and medium enterprises through innovative features such as the DAssets CORE a feature that authenticates assets information and digitizes it. This will allow small and medium business to digitize their businesses for easier transactions in the modern digital world. Small and medium assets will be able to create DAssets that contains all the relevant assets information that is processes by the DAssets CORE during the digitization process.
Small and medium businesses will also be able to digitize their non-fungible assets through the use of the MUST platform, this s through the use of the TAssets an on-chain assets authentication features that turns non-fungible assets into digital assets that can be used in the modern digital world.
Small and Medium businesses will also be able to handle the rights to assets digitization through the use of the TRight CORE that’s allows the small and medium businesses digitize rights to assets, in the modern world this will be useful when it comes to rights transfer and exchange in a decentralize business environment. Through the use of the MUST platform small and medium enterprises will be able to create, trade and exchange rights without the need of thrid party and vigorous paper work that creates barriers towards the digitization of their business's operations.
Must also features an ESCROW NET and an ESCROW that allows small and medium enterprises create legal smart contracts that fulfills an obligation when dealing with digital assets transactions, Escrow NET and the Escrow through the MUST platform will allow on chain and off chain agreements through the use of the MUST PROTOCAL.

Description of the MUST Protocol.

The MUST PROTOCAL is a framework that allows off chain and on chain assets validation and assets rights transactions using non-fungible businesses assets, the MUST protocol will be beneficial to small and medium businesses through the empowerment of small and medium Entreprises by providing the tools needed towards creating application networks that allow tokenization of their businesses, digital assets transaction through blockchain technologies and smart contracts making the financial processed transparent and secure.


MUST platform empowers small and medium enterprises and an entrepreneur who has faced challenges when it comes to financing my entrepreneurial projects I understand the financial constraints that have been subjected to us by financial institutions that have centralized their business creating no room for businesses to enter the new market and grow through access of funds, I believe the must platform is a game changer through tokenization of assets and rights allowing small and medium enterprises assess capital without intermediaries and strict regulations that are a major barrier for small and medium Entreprises. To learn more about the MUST projects please check the attached links on the reference section for the website link, whitepaper and social media pages.


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