Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Nordcoin Mining – обзор ICO

Using the Mobile Mining containers from NordCoin, you can effectively solve many problems associated with the production crypto currency, making this procedure more simple.

The new innovative technology helps to increase the hash, reduce energy costs and rent, which will make the process of crypto-currency production more profitable. The stand-alone version of NordCoin's remote-controlled cryptogram farm deployment is based on the use of standard 40-foot cargo containers for which there is a simple possibility of moving to different points of the globe in order to ensure the production of the most suitable conditions. In the containers themselves, a certain modernization was carried out for the most convenient placement of modular housing equipment and power supplies for the production of various crypto-currency systems and ensuring the best cryptographic conditions for a variety of systems and under all weather conditions.

The equipment for the Mobile Mining Container platform is under the constant control of the CCTV system, which serves its specialized security guard around the clock, and the system equipment is limited only by specially trained authorized personnel. Safety in NordCoin is of paramount importance.

NordCoin's technical and maintenance personnel ensure the permanent security of your investments, ensuring the maximum profit in cryptographic operations - currency trading. With the help of specialized application software, the entire cycle of the digital currency extraction process is continuously monitored.

Standard NordCoin containers easily and quickly move to the most suitable points on the globe, where you can provide the most cost-effective production process for crypto currency, with the ability to scale it when necessary. Immediately after connecting the power supply and establishing a fast and reliable connection to the Internet, the production process will start automatically.

About the project team:

The project NordCoin was born in Estonia, a country known for its favorable attitude to young start-up companies, especially in the field of information and high technologies. The company plans to first place its platform in the Nordic and Baltic countries. For starters, it is planned to activate no more than 30 MMC containers, because of the full operation of which a net monthly profit of about 45,000 dollars should be achieved in a crypt currency from each container. If the initial design data obtained during the pilot operation of the project are confirmed, the further number of containers will be proportionally increased based on the tested requirements, and the NordCoin platform's range of activities should extend beyond the Baltic and Scandinavian peninsula to the size of the European continent,

The team includes leading Estonian IT specialists and specialists in the blockade, top managers, leading economists and experienced businessmen.
The executive committee included well-known top managers and leading successful businessmen: Hermes Brambath, Joel Mitt.
Famous and internationally recognized advisers are invited to participate in the project: Rauno Kinkar, Addi Rull, Kazuuteru Arimura, Kristjan Novitsky.

About token and ICO parameters:

Home Information
Name id: NRDC
Used prototype: ETH
Used: ERC 20
Released Tokens: 1,900,000 NRDC
Before the public auction: 1 NRDC = $ 1
Accepted in: ETH, LTC, BTC, bank payment cards.

Lower fees: $ 1,000,000.
Upper installment: 12.9 million dollars.
Start of ICO - July 16, 2018.
The last day of the ICO - August 16, 2018

** Bonus prizes: **

From 1 to 5 - 10%
From 6 to 30 - 0%

Distribution of coins:

advisers - 3%;
generosity - 2%;
for teams and co-founders - 10%
For holders of counters - 85%

Distribution of ICO funds:

when administered, 2.5%;
for the purchase and deployment of Clusters Mining Mobile (MMC) - 90%
for the development of the project - 7,5%

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