Minggu, 19 Agustus 2018


Hallo steemians friends
How are you guys?
Hopefully healthy and always happy, the day I want a story about the stretching and gegap gempitap football fans in my area Jogjakarta.
What is a supporter?
Supporters are people or groups of people who provide support or assistance in the game, especially sports.
Well in football matches, football matches never get out of supporters to the supporters of the team in the belanya.
A team or football club is meaningless and meaningless without the supporters, without the encouraging supporters when the team competes.
Supporters will always loyally provide club support.
Supporters play an important and very big role in giving the players encouragement in the game, as well as with the supporters, there is a sense of pleasure and pride, but without getting paid, even out money to buy trumpets, attributes t-shirts and drums.
Supporters are identical with supporting one of the teams in the belanya, unlike the audience who do not defend the team, come because it takes entertainment.
Me and my friends are supporters of the regional team, PSIM Jogjakarta.
In my town there are 2 large supporters of Brajamusti and Maident, 2 groups of very young followers, and this group is pure ball supporters are unwilling and unfamiliar with any party.
That is a good supporter and freely expressed with good, polite, creative and true.
Inside the stadium always singing, jumping up and down tirelessly, shouting until it was hoarse, shouting as long as it did not throw anything on the ground, that was our slogan.
The behavior of the supporters is very diverse, and oddly, the face is painted, the hair is painted, make the t-shirts uniform and the flag with their
own money is collected.
To be sure every team of PSIM club play us from the morning already preparing in the regional coordinator coordinator, after our gathering together together to stadium Mandala Krida Jogjakarta.
Inside the stadium is full of friends other korwil supporters.
The number of korwil there are 18 each korwil have 20 to 30 laskar, each laskar has almost 50-100 people.
So you can imagine how busy the atmosphere in Mandala Krida stadium.
We are supporters, if we lose PSIM we thank sincerely if we win we will be joy around the city, that is supporters.
In a football game without supporters will be empty and lonely, players look lethargic and not excited, what happens if every game without supporters?
Like grave ya? Hehehe
Lost and winning in the game is normal, normal, reasonable, other times there is still a game.
Supporters are a group of youngsters who are still emotionally uncomfortable, sometimes they are unsettling in the community, but the presence of supporters in football will still be very important and play an important role for the team, because supporters are the 12th player in every game.
And hopefully in football in Indonesia, in this country more fair play, no more buying and selling scores and matches, let alone promotional order league, so will netted young seeds skill and mentally good, not because the player titipan, so the football in this country advanced and can compete in Asia, even the world
Do not teach us politely, neatly and harmoniously, no anarchy BUT individual football officials themselves teach us to cheat and rot by arranging a game.
Hopefully it does not happen and STOP KKN in football.
Play and unite Indonesian football fans, greeting one soul.
This is all entertainment and games, there is no defeat win, after finished playing we get back together and befriending coffee again chatting and sipping hot coffee in angkringan corner of beteng.
That's the story about the frenzied supporters in my area, how about your area friends.
user name btt:dewi08

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