Senin, 24 September 2018

RedCab LLC decentralizes transportation solutions for individuals by utilizing Blockchain Technology

WWhat is RedCab LLC?

RedCab LLC is a fast advancing company with technology business and futuristic models in the transportation space. From the technical aspect to the business model, a dedicated research team spends one year of research gathering needs, finding market gaps and assessing potentials with a clear understanding of customer requirements and customer experience.
The first Beta version of our Mobile App was launched in 2017, as part of our foundation of market research and gathering feedback. The soft launch of the Mobile App took place at a small tourist spot on the Red Sea for more hand-surgery and to test the car calling service. We observe huge potential in the industry and growing demand in global metropolitan cities with the hope of a future for the balloon industry to reach $ 285 Billion by 2030. 1
The goal of RedCab "Token Sale" is to transform our business model into a decentralized ecosystem that allows access to global markets with a transparent approach, reducing transportation costs for end users saving more than $ 60B through intermediary businesses, and developing our infrastructure to address international demand which is increasing in transportation services around the world through the development of powerful scalable tools.

HHow does RedCab Solution work?

RedCab is a decentralized transportation solution for individuals by utilizing Blockchain Technology for efficient and cost-efficient transactions. On the other hand, saving billions of dollars of transportation commissions to be rewarded back to the ecosystem ensures business continuity and sustainability through advanced technology, performance management and customer loyalty. Our business model is designed to ensure seamless market penetration through lean and reliable processes, and our award and reward programs ensure loyal and productive communities.
With variations in tariff calculations from one country to another and even from one city to another, RedCab LLC has managed to keep this tool flexible to change the best price formula without price increases or high fares during holidays or bad weather.

TTroubleshooting: Why RedCab?

Many start-ups have been increasing in the market recently to resolve transportation issues. Most of them succeed as business, but no one has it succeeded without social security damage.
Despite the fact that technology has bridged the gap for transportation needs and has managed to solve some problems in the past 10 years, this has made us some models of copycat business without any iteration or innovation. Customers are not only looking for trendy services, but looking for truly reliable services with sustainable quality and safety, offering all transport options and services at low competitive prices, and because customers hate being misused; so on a rainy day, or a day with heavy traffic; The "high price" rate is not a good move.
From the other side, the main pillar in the transportation industry is its driver.
Based on a recent survey conducted on part-time drivers for one of the major car services calling App, 91% of the population has joined the hailing Application services to increase their earnings and 87% to work with flexible shifts². Our business model guarantees a 20% increase in driver's revenue with a clear strategy to capitalize on the dominance of the network in which when people choose to partner
with us and managed drives more efficiently. This will lead to a sustained cost advantage. Therefore, increasing demand, which will allow the average RedCab driver in the city to complete more rides within a given hour, and consequently lower the cost on the user, and the process spins again.
Unlike cars calling big player strategies to subsidize taxi companies without clearly understanding their business needs, RedCab is established with everyone in mind. This is the reason behind the refusal of taxi drivers to new technologies that are a major part of the world's transformation in the transportation industry.
Our business model allows companies and taxi drivers to take advantage of technology to keep their jobs and take advantage of a share market that has dropped to less than 10% in the last 10 years.
From a forward vision of a fast and harmonious mission, we designed our business model to act as a massive support line to prevent public abuse and market domination. This will have a major impact on society in the long run. We managed to do this through our commission and investment management scheme, where we lowered our travel fares and invested in promotions generated by Geo technology through in-depth learning and data mining in our monetization model.
We implement this strategy without adopting any losses to dominate the market and drive our investment in futuristic technologies such as automated taxi drivers to benefit more profits that ignore the impact on high levels of unemployment or ignore the fact that only 30% of car owners work in calling services in developed countries countries.
To simplify things, we asked 3 questions about our solution.
> Do people need or want it?
A. Yes.
> Does it solve the problem?
A. Yes
> Is the price affordable?
A. Yes
More benefits for drivers to ensure loyalty and more savings for customers ensuring usability.
• Network Domination through supply and demand balance.
• Community-based decentralization solutions governed by smart contracts ensure transparency and consistency.
• AI-supported personal assistants to enhance emotional engagement and experience customers.

MModel bisnis:

Skema Komisi Transparan:
RedCab LCC mengembangkan model bisnis unik di mana kami menemukan bahwa kami dapat benar-benar menghasilkan uang tanpa merobek pelanggan atau menekan kaki pengemudi. Kami tidak akan mengambil potongan dari perjalanan. 100% dari harga yang dibayarkan oleh pengendara pergi ke pengemudi, dan karena seluruh proses terdesentralisasi, pengendara membayar lebih sedikit, dan pengemudi mendapatkan semuanya uang.
Personalisasi Geo-Iklan
Pilar monetisasi utama RedCab LCC adalah Iklan Geo, tempat Hotel, pusat perbelanjaan, restoran, kafe, klub, dll. akan mendorong penawaran dan mempromosikan produk mereka di peta Aplikasi Seluler tergantung pada algoritma menganalisis data historis untuk setiap pengendara, dan hanya menunjukkan apa yang relevan untuk memanfaatkan KPI pemenuhan dan mendorong profitabilitas.
Di era baru mendatang, orang tidak hanya membeli produk karena mereka telah melihat iklan yang bagus atau karena layanan yang ditawarkan digambarkan dengan baik. Pemasaran berkembang, dan di RedCab, kami naik kereta itu. Khusus, disesuaikan, dan dijamin untuk menyukseskan iklan. Ini adalah apa orang-orang akan menghabiskan uang mereka di masa depan. Menggunakan teknologi untuk mengenali kebutuhan berdasarkan menganalisis perilaku, rute, preferensi, dan preferensi kepribadian. Lalu tawarkan hanya yang relevan yang akan menghasilkan pemaksimalan tingkat pemenuhan produk yang ditawarkan atau layanan, dan menurunkan biaya pada pemilik bisnis. Strategi kami juga membangun hubungan emosional antara pembeli dan produk yang ditawarkan melalui personalisasi seluruh pengalaman dan melibatkan asisten jalan AI kami yang didukung di interaksi sehari-hari untuk hanya menawarkan apa yang relevan jika relevan, sehingga meningkatkan kemungkinan pemenuhan dan mendorong lebih banyak pendapatan dari pembelian konsekuen.

TTeknologi Blockchain

Smart Contracts & Tokens Wallet:
Fase pertama dalam transformasi teknis kami3 adalah memindahkan model bisnis menjadi terdesentralisasi
ekosistem untuk memberdayakan komunitas RedCab dan memanfaatkan bukti konsep kami.
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ddApps (App Desentralisasi):

Aplikasi terdesentralisasi (dApps) adalah aplikasi atau program digital yang ada dan berjalan terus sebuah blockchain atau jaringan P2P komputer, bukan satu komputer, dan berada di luar lingkup dan kontrol dari otoritas tunggal.
Aplikasi web standar, seperti Uber atau Twitter, berjalan pada sistem komputer yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh organisasi yang memberikan otoritas penuh atas aplikasi dan cara kerjanya. Mungkin disana banyak pengguna di satu sisi, tetapi backend dikontrol oleh satu organisasi tunggal. dApps dapat berjalan di kedua jaringan P2P serta jaringan Blockchain. Aplikasi yang dijalankan di berbagai komputer yang merupakan bagian dari jaringan P2P di mana ada beberapa peserta di semua pihak ada yang mengonsumsi konten, ada yang memberi makan atau menyemai konten, sementara yang lain secara bersamaan melakukan kedua fungsi.
Dalam konteks cryptocurrency, dApps ada dan berjalan di jaringan Blockchain di publik, open source, lingkungan terdesentralisasi dan bebas dari kontrol dan gangguan dari mana pun otoritas tunggal.
Untuk menerapkan model dApp, kita harus mencapai tingkat persiapan dan jaringan teknis tertentu ukuran, yang akan meningkatkan arsitektur, algoritme, dan skalabilitas kami agar lebih aman, operasi bisnis yang fleksibel, dapat diandalkan dan efisien. Kami menganggap langkah ini sebagai tonggak penting dalam peta jalan kami karena menawarkan komunitas kami aplikasi yang aman, cepat, dan andal untuk pengalaman pelanggan yang lebih baik. Di sisi lain itu juga menawarkan bisnis peluang emas ekspansi dengan biaya lebih rendah, aman dan efisien cara menyimpan dan memproses data besar.

PPeluncuran Token

Acara kontribusi token RedCab LLC didukung oleh komunitas Blockchain dan didukung oleh platform situs web kami. Untuk berpartisipasi dalam Penjualan Token, Anda perlu mengunjungi situs web ICO kami untuk mendaftar untuk acara kontribusi token. Setelah berhasil terdaftar, pembeli akan dapat membeli token REDC menggunakan Ethereum. Token pembeli akan membeli Token REDC yang akan digunakan dalam RedCab Mobile App untuk mendapatkan layanan. Pengguna harus memiliki dompet yang kompatibel ERC-20 seperti Dompet Ethereum saya untuk menerima token mereka yang akan didistribusikan setelah pembelian. Pengguna juga mungkin diwajibkan untuk memberikan informasi tambahan dan dokumentasi untuk memverifikasi identitas mereka sebagai bagian dari KYC proses, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam instruksi pembelian yang tersedia di situs web. RedCab LLC berhak untuk menolak pembeli potensial REDC token untuk yang tidak lengkap atau dokumen yang tidak relevan, untuk melindungi identitas komunitas terhadap pencucian uang atau tidak aman kontribusi.


RedCab berkomitmen untuk proses penjualan token transparan. Kami akan memberi tahu publik tentang final jumlah total token REDC yang beredar setelah selesainya Penjualan Token karena token yang dicetak sebagai kontributor membelinya. Ini untuk memaksimalkan nilai token yang terjual, langka penawaran, dan buat nilai bagi pemegang token setelah kami terdaftar di bursa utama. RedCab tidak akan membuat token REDC baru setelah Penjualan Token. Pasokan Token Maks yang Akan Beredar 100.000.000 REDC

DDistribusi Token

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»9% Tim dan Pendiri
»3% Penasihat
»1% Bounty
»7% Penjualan Swasta
»Presale 15%
»25% Dicadangkan untuk pembuatan token Proof-Of-Driving & Proof of Marketing.
»40% Kerumunan penjualan
  • Pra-Penjualan:
Starting June 1, 2018 at 00:00 GMT and ending June 21, 2018 at 23:59 GMT with
early bird investors get a 15% Bonus until the amount allocated is sold out or the phase ends.
  • Main Crowd-Sale:
Starts on June 22nd at 00:00 GMT and ends on August 15, 2018 at 23:59 GMT.
• Currency Received for Sale Token: Ethereum
• Token Name: REDC
• Token Type: ERC20
• Soft Cap: 2143 ETH
• Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
• Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
• Min Purchases: 0.1 ETH = 233.3 REDC
• What exchange will REDC be listed?
REDC will be listed on a regulated exchange and has reserve evidence, including the principal Korean, Japanese and other principal exchanges globally recognized.


Business ideas came, and we started business research.
Mobile App Development begins - first trial and error.
Market research and business iteration.
Launch of mobile app MVP.
Live live on Google Play with driver and rider clients.
Aired on the iTunes App Store with clients and operations starting in one Coastal City.
Company legal arrangements.
The first website launched
Raised the First Round of Investment.
Operation expansion into 2 coastal cities Partnership with Sierra Global Solutions.
Launch and redesign the new Website
Creation of brand identity.
Soft Launch & Community Building.
Partner with & SkaleUP Ventures.
acquisition of
Making REDC Token and ICO launch Partnership with
End of Token Sales and distribution of tokens to contributors.
Great Email Campaigns, Social Media & Digital PR to introduce RedCab to the world.
Partner with doPAY payment processor.
Listing of REDC tokens in 2 of 10 Crypto Exchange Top.
Listing at
Start developing RedCab Dapp with wallet integration.
Invest in Infrastructure.
Expansion of field operations in selected cities in EMEA and LATAM areas.
Partnership with Airline Companies (Name to be confirmed).
Driving Evidence and Proof of Marketing product development.
Expand our Travel Service partners, hotels and restaurants.
List of Token REDC at 1 Crypto Stock Top 5.
Release iOS and Android release 2.0 with wallet integration and Introduction of Cabbi smart bot.
Expanding Office in Europe & Asia Markets.
Phase 2 of a massive marketing campaign.
Increase investment round 2.
List of REDC Tokens in two Top 5 Crypto exchanges.
RedCab Platform Development.
Data mining and introduction of Geo-Ads.
Introducing Evidence-Driving and Evidence-Of-Marketing.
DAPP release. Decentralized Escrow Exchange for Token REDC to trade fiat currencies in REDC exchanges.
Partnering with sports, celebrities, and public figures for Marketing and exposure.
Expand operations on land to North America.
Listings on all Top 5 Crypto exchanges.
For more information visit the link below:

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