Kamis, 06 September 2018


http://www.vivanetwork.org/Viva is a decentralized ecosystem that connects mortgage borrowers with global investors within a borderless, blockchain-secured cloud platform. Viva’s innovative technology uses Ethereum smart contracts to underwrite and securitize private home loans into Fractionalized Mortgage Shares (FMS) which can easily be bought and sold on the Viva FMS Exchange (a Secondary Market Exchange) application. Using Fractionalized Mortgage Shares, Viva allows investors to crowdfund mortgages of home buyers from anywhere in the world, making the process quicker and easier for homebuyers. With the ability to efficiently access the free market, both parties will now be able to capitalize on international interest rate arbitrage and obtain lower interest rate mortgages and higher returns on investments.
Viva this will all take place seamlessly on the Viva Platform, an application providing access to exclusive, innovative and first-to-market network applications designed toimprove and revolutionize the mortgage financing process. vivanetwork.org platform will consist of applications that will be continually evolving, improving and updating to cater to end user’s needs and preferences over time. Viva uses a proprietary, smart contract powered, crowdlending technology that will enable homebuyers to obtain fiat-currency home loans.Borderless & decentralized home loan financing will eliminate the need to rely on middlemen like banks and other financial intermediaries.
Viva creates a free market in the mortgage industry – reducing inefficiencies and allowing more affordable homeownership.For the first time, Viva will allow accredited private investors to own highly profitable, asset-backed Fractionalized Mortgage Shares (FMS).Also featuring innovative applications, designed to improve the current & outdated Property Appraisal and Credit Scoring processes.
Basic Information
Viva Tokens : 3,000,000,000
Start Date : April 1st, 2018
End Date : April, 10th 2018
Bonus Tokens : 40%
Round Cap : 25,000,000
Viva Tokens : 500 ETH
50000 Viva : 1 ETH
Future of home ownership
Viva is an innovative financial technology company that introduces large-scale decentralized mortgage financing to the world. The Viva platform will utilize smart contracts to crowdfund home loans, connecting borrowers and investors directly within a decentralized, trust-less ecosystem. By leveraging ultra-secure blockchain transactions, Viva cuts out the middlemen, resulting in a lending process that is more profitable and efficient for all parties.
Viva enables the free market to determine the rate of interest on a borrower’s mortgage and removes the need for banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in local financial systems, mortgage rates will more fairly and accurately reflect the level of risk associated with the asset’s true value.
The failure of the banking system in 2008 yielded the world’s first ever cryptocurrency and began the process of decentralizing the power held by financial conglomerates. Vivanetwork.org intends to finish the job – by leaving the inefficient, centuries-old financing system where it truly belongs: in the past.
Token Generation Event


BLOCKCHAIN-ORIENTED : Mission-critical data, transactions and appraisals will be backed by blockchain technology. Ethereum smart contracts and BigchainDB at company core enable decentralization in a highly secure, resilient, transparent, and trust-less environment.
ROBUST MICROSERVICE APIS : Built by software engineers specializing in architecting large-scale financial enterprise systems, a RESTful Service Oriented Architecture will allow Vivanetwork.org Network to adapt to changing industry trends and opportunities with agility.
BIG-DATA READY : Vivanetwork.org Network Platform will utilize AWS for an infrastructure capable of processing vast amounts of mortgage, property, and trading pattern datasets for Machine Learning analytics that will evolve a uniquely intelligent platform.
3RD PARTY FINTECH INTEGRATION : Designed to accelerate alternative finance trends by seeking integration with complimentary providers from decentralized credit rating to generalized blockchain asset portfolios.


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