Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018




Over the years, it is an obvious discussion that the block chain system has revolutionized typically every sector in the world. However, there remains an aspect of this system that still needs to be edified, because of the challenges that frequently occur in most emerging platforms. The aspect is the exchange segment of the block chain system.

Since Jan. 2018, close to 40 ledger exchange systems have emerged and almost each of them trying to stabilize the exchange sector of the crypto community, however, their efforts were nothing but of low efficiency. Therefore, the crypto community needs better platform to emerge, that will resolve the challenges many are yet to solve. Fortunately,bitcoinbing have come with a great confidence that the venture will surely tackle all the crypto exchange challenges successfully.


This venture entails the best experience market-place that is superior to the other existing exchange systems. The system includes an enhancement that differentiates it from other crypto-exchanges across the universe. However, through the utilization of the structure of peer2peer concept, this venture will return back to the users, the control of the ledger-exchange formats, operations and procedures.

This venture is created in the quest to empower the merchants with the global-market at large. Furthermore, this exchange-system will provide for it users a great avenue whereby they can make transactions with zero charges so that it will ease the users of the stress of thinking about charges fee before proceeding on any transactions.


THE LACK OF A STRUCTURAL VOLUME: This is capable enough to contain the operations of an exchange system. This results from several setups that come on the scene with little or no preparation, thinking they can handle the huddles and the pressure of an exchange system like that. However, many of them fail but bitcoinbing has taken it time for a magnificent structural craft that will span the entire world of crypto-market the bad and good seasons.

LOW SECURITY VOLTAGE OF THE MOST EXCHANGE SYSTEM: This has also called for a huge sorrow in the crypto world in that many of the clients and the users have used their precious funds to invest into a project or platform they believe in but in return, they experience loss over a loss.

Furthermore, hackers have also seen the crypto exchange systems as a customer when it comes which platform they easily hack. However, this venture will provide a system that will be duly audited and carefully design in a way that not security bridge can surface.

RIGID MARKET CONDITIONS: Most of the present exchange systems do have what is called a shadow book resulting to a significant delay in transactions but in bitcoinbing, this will in no wise occur as this venture has detected it to be the reason for the slow functioning system that is plaguing the present exchange systems across the ledger world.


MULTI CURRENCY PAIRS: Through the provision of the multiple currency pairing operations, all users will be able to perform various transactions at once without one affecting the other. With this, the system will also provide the best experience for it clients across the globe.

STACK TRADE DESK: These will enable the clients to be able all their assets which will also open them up to the advantages of investing with maximum calculated risks. It also accumulates the total amount of their various assets in their dashboard.

DESKTOP AND MOBILE FRIENDLY: This venture will provide the best interface for both the mobile and desktop users. Through this, all clients will have the best transactions experience without losing any transactions.

RISK MANAGEMENT: This system will also see to it that, the risk management is efficiently low and can be accepted by several ventures for their usage. The low risk of this system is done with the is of Integrations that is embedded into the system.



This venture brings great advantages to it users via the enablement to make-transactions with zero-fee
The wallet provided is duly secured with a high tech rated that belongs to the block chain operations.
This venture will provide help round the clock by the well trained specialists on the platform.



The ledger world has been recently let down by the emerging exchange systems. But the operations of this system will bring the best experience for the users across the globe

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bitcoinbing-228650464472887/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BingBitcoin

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/BitcoinBing

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bitcoinbing

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTG55raZfSnHOSRS4zNQ3A

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bitcoin.bing/

Medium: https://www.medium.com/@bitcoinbing

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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