Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Reindeer ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

Vital assistance for 28MM creators,
including developers & planners.

If you are involved in service development or management, this is what you have been waiting for. We will be providing special knowledge in order to raise to a higher level the ability of planners and engineering teams to make dreams a reality.

 This special knowledge

 — the final linchpin in service development
 — is cloud design, which will revolutionize the process of IT infrastructure construction. 

The world of software development, which constitutes 50% of service-development processes, has been innovated by super-tools like GitHub, a service with 28 million users. Now, we are about to transform the remaining 50% with cloud design. Infrastructure is a field where, in spite of the potential for fatal information leaks and for opportunity-loss risks, the information that is necessary has not been disclosed sufficiently.

 We will be sharing with people around the world superior-quality cloud designs that until now only some people have been able to find out about, we will thereby make the world a place where creators can successfully work together to build a variety of services, and where people can use those services without risk. 

(For details, please see the Whitepaper.)

Making creators' dreams a reality

A rewards system that rewards creators' efforts

If the more than 18,000 new domains that are registered on a daily basis[1] all ran on some kind of cloud service, there is the potential for more than 6.0 million cloud designs per year to come into being for the construction of the services that will run on those domains. We look upon these designs as constituting precious wisdom of the human race, and we will be collecting them in a continuous fashion by providing a sufficient amount of rewards (i.e., tokens). By registering their designs on reindeer, creators will obtain rewards, which they will be able to use to obtain help from other engineers or planners or from others in the token community. We expect our rewards mechanism to raise to a higher level the ability of planners and engineers to make services a reality.

Free expertise on using the cloud

If, for example, you are going to be incorporating online customer support using AI into the services that you offer, what cloud services will you need to combine? And what are the market prices for those services? The open data provided for free by reindeer will answer these questions. Using unique design-evaluation and search algorithms, we will provide creators with designs that are of true value to them, actual designs rather than simply catalogs that get recommended for advertising purposes or abstract design patterns.

A never before seen platform

CDML, a revolutionary design language

We are putting together a completely new design language — CDML (Cloud Design Markup Language) — for expressing cloud designs. While CDML is revolutionary for the fact that it will be a user-centered design language that expresses service users in detail, people will be able to use it with minimum learning cost so as to extend existing languages such as Cloud Formation.

The "reindeer token," made possible by blockchain

A token issuance and distribution system made feasible by blockchain technology will firmly support the providing of rewards to creators as well as the use of that rewards. The stable generation and transparent distribution of rewards that this token will make possible are precisely the key to enabling cloud design distribution, in the form of open data, that is not at the mercy of interests or advertising intentions.

A workflow system that is fit for organizational challenges

Although reindeer is a service that is aimed at all individuals, it is also fit for the organizational challenges — such as coordination among parties and quality audits — that arise in the service-development process at corporations. That’s because we know that most superior-quality designs lie dormant inside organizations such as corporate IT departments. So we will be building a world where precious designs hidden away inside such organizations are brought into the light of day, and where the knowledge in them can be put to use by all people.

$300 billion-plus market

A $300 billion-plus market

The cloud-computing market is forecast to surpass earlier predictions and grow to reach more than $300 billion in 2021. In that market, we will play the important role in order to let people know how to combine cloud computing services correctly without being caught by single vendor or service. This is a role that can only be played by us, because we will be providing open data from an independent standpoint, and this role will contribute directly to the healthy development of the market itself.

Eradicating serious accidents

Our independent position in communicating the right way to use cloud computing by means of superior-quality cloud designs will have the power to eradicate from the world serious incidents such as the leaking of personal information on more than 100 million households in the US and leaks of government information. The difficulties of cloud computing, a field in which even professionals make mistakes, are an inevitable byproduct of the introduction of microservices, which can be combined to unleash infinite possibilities. In the future, for as long as this growth and the boundless proliferation of functions continue, our presence will undoubtedly be felt more and more.

Our strong aspiration

Our mission is to make the world a place where all people can become the creators of services. In the same way that the evolution of web surfers into bloggers and YouTubers made the world a more interesting place, we believe that the world will be richer and more interesting if an even greater number of people with wonderful ideas evolve into service creators. And in a world full of service creators, it may be that, as Jeremy Rifkin predicted in "The Zero Marginal Cost Society," the concentration of productivity and wealth will become less important, and situations that became widespread in the context of that concentration — such as the gap between rich and poor and large-scale resource exploitation that destroys the sustainability of society — may disappear. It is in the hope of such a future that we will support the efforts of creators by means of this platform. And we will strive to make the world a place where all people can live equally rich lives in a society that is diverse and sustainable.


1) Fundraising: June 2018
Preparations for fundraising are currently underway.

2) Start of coordination of advance collection of cloud designs: April 2019
We will begin coordinating advance collection with corporations and individuals who hold superior-quality cloud designs.

3) Beta release of system platform: July 2019
We will release the beta versions of the CDML and the token mechanism.

4) Beta release of operation-support interface and workflow system: October 2019
We will release the beta versions of the CDML operation-support interface and the workflow system.

5) Beta release of data provisioning API: Descember 2019
We will release the beta version of the data provisioning API that will encourage secondary use of data.

6) Acceleration of token distribution: January 2020
We will introduce a mechanism to promote the exchanging of tokens among users of the platform for purposes such as customizing and auditing designs.

7) Promotion of extensive token distribution among stakeholders: April 2020
We will introduce a mechanism whereby, through the exchanging of tokens, engineers and planners will be able to cooperate with each other on all aspects of service development, including product development and planning.

8) Expansion of service into a service-development platform for corporations: October 2020
With the expansion of token distribution, we will expand the service into an inter-business resource-exchange platform for the pursuit of higher quality and speed in service development.

9) Realization of a talent-sharing model for creators: April 2021
The platform will become a place where creators around the world can share their abilities with each other through the use of reindeer tokens.

ICO Information of reindeer project

Token Allocation
ICO: 50%
Bounty 5%
Advisors & Accelerators 10%
Community, Business Dev. 5%
Team 10%
Fund Holding 20%

Use of Proceeds
Marketing 40%
Development 30%
Legal & Admin 8%
Paid Conttent 2%
Contributor 20%


Professional Team


Founder / CEO
Before striking out on his own in 2011, Shintaro Hara worked as an executive in several system development companies, where he was engaged in new business development and management of the development department. He did contract development work for PaaS utilization projects which Google joined as a technical adviser, as well as for of online services making use of IaaS and the like, for numerous Japanese clients and public institutions. He believes that the active use of advanced technology is key to the evolution of society and the self-actualization of engineers, and has also done extensive work introducing machine learning, natural language and image processing, and geographic information systems. He has been an engineer for over 15 years. He was the technical supervisor of the Japanese- language version of The Definitive Guide to Plone. As he was pondering the problem of the increasing di culty of cloud computing provision and exploring ways to distribute open designs, Yuki Ikeda—who had been quick to recognize the potential of the blockchain—reached out to Hara, who realized that they should join forces to work on their ideas. They brought in Toshihisa Nakamizu, who excels at project implementation, and began work on reindeer.


Co-Founder / Co-Representative Producer

Yuki Ikeda is a graduate of the University of Tokyo. While in university, he majored in the study of material design and used data science, including databases of physical properties, 1st-principle calculations, and neural networks, to study what would be the strongest metallic compositions for use in nuclear reactors. He grew aware of the potential of open access and open data as public goods.
In 2011, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd.(parent company of Indeed Inc.), where he was an engineer on, then responsible for development direction of projects such as hotpepperBeauty, car sensors, and Rikunabi NEXT. Independently of this work, he also founded an o shore development company in Vietnam. Thinking that he could use the blockchain to visualize the value of information such as human knowledge and wisdom, create new economic spheres, and solve social problems, he reached out to Hara and started this project.


Co-Founder / Project Manager

After graduating from university, Toshihisa Nakamizu worked on large-scale projects at a software company in the role of systems engineer. He also did project management at KAYAC Inc. He gained experience on many projects, most of them related to online promotion for Japanese clients. After he left KAYAC Inc., he started COMPASS Co., Ltd. "I want to make small inconveniences more convenient, even just a little." That was Nakamizu's motivation for developing apps to make all kinds of things in life a bit more convenient, from restaurants and kindergartens to retirement homes and the neighborhood greengrocer. At the same time, he joined LIG to help with team building. He was in charge of bringing the production team together via team building and organization building. After two years with LIG, he returned to his company and worked as project manager on a variety of small and large projects.



After dropping out of Waseda University, Shogo Tsuruda became a designer at a company that mainly engaged in creating and operating e-commerce sites. He then moved on to IMJ Corporation, where he created numerous websites for domestic clients. In 2016, he struck out on his own and established the LCC Staraxia. He worked as a web and UI designer for a wide variety of clients, from domestic clients to startups.



Graduate, Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics
Attorney at law, Grow-will International Law Firm
Director, Mirai Challenge, Inc.

CEO, SAMURAI INNOVATION PTE. Ltd. (Singaporean corporation)
During his university years he gained experience in starting up systems development and web service businesses, eventually putting those skills to use in his work as a lawyer specializing in the IT industry. He is one of the few Japanese lawyers well-versed in virtual currency laws.



CMO at Bient Technologies and have worked with over 75 ICO's, consulted them and holds the position of Marketing Advisor in several of these projects. Every customer should be provide with autonomy of valuable choice and I try to ensure value for all my clients. With the experience of working with many clients, he aspire to change the ideology that exists towards sales. A person with entrepreneurial skill set, he is looking forward to evolve various business processes.

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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