This is said to be the first decentralized image hosting/ownership platform in the cryptocurrency space. They promise that when using KlickZie KLK, you turn all photos into valuable commodities. You can use the platform to unlock a worldwide market that has more than three billion users. The purpose is to allow people to monetize pictures, videos and the social interaction they get.
How Does KlickZie KLK Work?
There are more than 2.5 billion mobile devices that are in use and taking pictures every day. When you use KlickZie KLK, every time you take a picture it is market with hidden code. And it also works as a type of social network.
People who look at pictures on the app, can connect with others using app and looking at the same picture or even the creator of the photo. The platform uses the KLK token, a token that operates on an Ethereum side-chain.
They are verified via proof of ownership. And once people start using the app and platform, they can pretty much buy and sell photos all over the world using the application. The purpose of the app is to allow people to start making money with photos they take as well as to protect photographers and people using the app or involved in the distribution of imagery.
What is the ICO on KlickZie KLK?
The ICO for the platform will start in a little over sixty-seven days. As of now, they are not for purchase. But you can subscribe to the platforms newsletter on the company website and get on the waiting list to find out when the ICO will begin.

The KlickZie ArKnet Vision
We envsion a KlickZie ArKnet with billions of users and ArKs all around the world connecting humanity, commerce, information, crypto currency, and innovation like never before. We want to return the ownership of a users information and valuable items such as images and video back to where it rightfully belongs, the individual.
KlickZie ArKnet White paper Download
KlickZie ArKnet White paper 12-04-18 (pdf)

Social Media - The "ArKrs"
Upon the KlickZie ArKnet download your own personal device ArK is created! Follow other ArKs & ArKrs or use your profile to grow your own following! Users can create, buy, sell, or even rent their sub-ArKs! YOU own ALL of the ArKs that you create! Imagine you are at a stadium and in your ArKnet AR view theres are thousands of ArKs above people's heads.. filter it.. now visible are only people on your friends list that are there.

Memorials and Gravestones
Friends and family from around the world can upload photos, videos, audio, memories, and stories to the gravestone ArK of someone who has passed on. What once was just a gravestone is now an eternal interactive memorial celebrating that loved ones life. Imagine having the ArKnet app open in the augmented reality view at The Arlington National Cemetery and seeing thousands of ArKs floating over soldiers gravestones.

Mailboxes - "ArKbox"
An ArKbox for your home or business! Exchange messages with neighbors, and municipalities can send notices to every address in town in seconds for little cost. Perhaps eventual migration to an all digital mailbox cutting down substantially on cost and wasted paper, identity theft from stolen mail, and instant certified mail delivery to customers via blockchain transactions.
Networking Events

ArK2ArK communication brings networking to a whole new level! Instant connections to company information, vendor products or services, and even a potential new hire's resume, experience, and availability!
Art Galleries and Museums

Interactive exhibit ArKs contain pictures and videos with further information about artists and even the artifact discoverers. Limitless interactive information well beyond just text plaques.
Zoos and Aquariums

Interactive animal exhibit ArKs containing more information and even videos from zookeepers about the specific animals! "This is Edgar the elephant who is 6 years old has been living with us for four years! He came to us from the sub Sahara..." Visitors and especially children can learn so much more about the animals
For Sale or Rent

Whether you are a real estate agent or just a home owner this sale listing ArK is for you! Load this ArK with sale or rent price information, local schools, attractions, mass transit information, events, and more!
Vacation Rentals

Your out of town vacation rental ArK inside the house can contain contact information with renter instructions, local destinations, food, events, and even tips and messages from prior renters of that vacation spot!

ArKs could be placed at town halls, police stations, sports fields, welcome signs, and town centers and be filled with information including, upcoming meetings, events, and local history.

An arK outside or inside stores or restautrants containing pictures, videos, links, menus, events, coupons, now hiring, seating wait times, delivery wait times, and more! Drive new traffic and customers to your business!
Billboard Advertisements

Every billboard or print ad can now become an interactive virtual ad! Links to the advertisers sites, coupons, shop, reviews, pictures and more!

Look at that ArK in the sky for your local weather details!

Arks for historical monuments, attractions, upcoming events, visitor information, schedules, and the "ArK of Time" park history!
Political Signs

Who is Dane Morris? What does he stand for, what are his views? An ArK with his sign could hold the answers to those questions! Experience, qualifications, and history!
These examples only scratch the surface of the KlickZie ArKnet's potential! Where will you create your own ArKs?
Concept Development and Patent Submission
Development and creation of the ArKnet disclosure statement to be used in the creation of the first ArKnet patent application for submission by our patent attorney. Our 37 Page patent application was submitted containing substantial claims.
3rd & 4th QTR 2018
KlickZie ArKnet White paper Revision
The KlickZie white paper revision is in progress so that the ArkNet platform and incredible potential can be incorporated.
November 2018
Developer Selection and Bidding Process
ArKnet version 1.0 development is out to bid with select developers. We are looking to have the final bid in to us by 11/26/18 so that a decision can be made and development can being immediately.
4th QTR 2018
Development of ArKnet 1.0 for IOS & Android
ArKnet Version 1.0 goal capabilities:
- Sign up, creation of @ username, bio section, & device ArK assigned.
- User Ability to follow/be followed interaction with ArKs and ArKrs
- User Ability to create four different ArK types. (ArKbox, Memorial ArK, Business ArK, and General ArK.)
- ArK content upload ability
- User messaging ability in between ArKs and ArKrs
- Worldwide ArK search Capability
- Interaction Notifications
March 2019
Timeline Approximate
ArKnet 1.0 Launch for Public Download
ArKnet 1.0 Launch for download on Android and IOS smartphones.
March 2019
Timeline Approximate
ArKnet Marketing and Sales Campaign
Marketing and sales efforts to increase adoption and revenue. Minor exposure is already in progress via our social media platforms.
1st Half 2019
ArKnet Version 2.0 and Beyond
Continued development and the addition of features to ArKnet
-Mobile ArK capabilities
- Blockchain transaction implementation
- KLK crypto currency wallet and transactions
- ArKr and ArK user feed posts
- Additional ArK types
- Ability to buy and sell ArKs
- KlickZie technology incorporation
WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B
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