Senin, 14 Januari 2019



VECAP - Our story

Vecap’s story began when one of our founders’ home network was hacked and his private information

ransomed. He turned off his gaming console and disconnected it from the internet. His data was gone
but with that disappearance came a strangely disturbing thought:

How many more people had that hacker targeted with the same method?

Next generation of Smart Home


Insufficient protection

Several devices from well-known companies and other vendors have
serious breaches in their security systems: unsufficient encryption,
weak authentication requirements (e.g. auto-login), possibility of
external connections via VPN. All it takes is one unprotected
device to compromise the security of your smart home.
Hackers only need to find that
one breaking point to bring down your whole network.

Fast break-in
It takes hackers less than a minute to get access to smart home
devices, from phones and TV´s to routers and consoles, all these
machines are connected to the internet. Huge numbers of devices
with zero-day vulnerabilities will be hacked as soon as the
breaches become known, before manufacturers will be
able to update all vulnerable smart devices.

Plenty of entry points

An average smart home owner has several smart devices and a
single unprotected one is enough to compromise an entire
network. The number of vulnerabilities will become critical since
it is expected that in 2020 each home will have
an average of 50 interconnected products.


Don’t worry, our solution is as ambitious as it is simple. We’ll use
smart contract transactions to secure all internal communications
within your home system. Every action on the Vecap platform will
be recorded on our blockchain, in an immutable database that is
nearly impervious to corruption. A hacker would have to take
control of 51% of such network just to control a specific device,
rendering this effort impossible by every definition of the word.

By protecting the links between each device and uniting all smart
homes in a decentralised network, Vecap safeguards all private
information against malicious actors. We have reached a new
privacy-protecting standard, one that does
not rely on built-in security functions.


Imad Labbadi
Founder & CEO

Entrepreneur with experience in strategic
conception and business development.
8 years of Experience in start up - tech
Industry. Blockchain enthusiasts with
deep understanding of their technology
With the passion for Sales
& Mindset Coaching

Frank Wobig

Co-Founder & COO

Communication specialist in tech-based
business models. Leading our Press
relations & internal communication with
a deep understanding in Blockchain
and cryptocurrency.

Claas Gnerlich

Entrepreneur with experience in Web
Development and technical products.
Specialized in iOS and android
platform development.

Boris Bosnar

Entrepreneur with experience in
developing websites, web application,
content management systems, front
and backend system and other
web technologies.

Sems Samaras

Passionate Developer and technical
team leader. With expertise for
Ethereum- Blockchain development.
Current working as software
developer & IT consultant.


Project contact information:
Whitepaper: :

WALLET ADDRESS (ETH): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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