Jumat, 19 Januari 2018

Rupex — New Blockchain Data Marketplace Provides Solutions To “Big Data” Problems

“Big Data,” as the data industry is collectively known as, has experienced worlds of trouble in years past making data readout ventures work out correctly. The reason for this is simple. Traditional “brick and mortar” business operations don’t allow for statistical readouts to be processed and used efficiently. Using just paper as a printed readout data source, the cost to manually “crunch” the figures would be astronomical. And even with the use of the plain old Internet, the cost to process and make sense of the data in a “halfway modern” way, was still more than the potential for profit could justify. Simply put, businesses couldn’t legitimize the cost of data readout “prospecting”.

But now, through the advent of the Internet and decentralized, Peer-to-Peer technology, these worries are a thing of the past. Massive stores of business data, statistical events, and general records can be transferred at lightning fast speed and processed automatically by AI trained machines. And these machines are armed with all the latest in AI data learning programs.

Machine learning and AI trains machines to automatically protect themselves from making “beginner” business mistakes. Repux is set to propel new businesses past what could go WRONG, and directly into doing things RIGHT, the very first time around. Big time profits and higher levels of success are now easy to attain thanks to Rupex and the Blockchain. It’s a brand new era of productivity, money savings, and business expansion ability, and everyone is welcome!

Rupex Saves People Money With Their High Efficiency, Fraud Proof Data Platform

One of the biggest problems in the data industry is how easy it is to get access and manipulate sensitive readout data. And considering all it takes is a few mouse clicks and number changes to alter the accuracy of a data readout permanently, it’s been a temptation that has ravaged the data industry ruthlessly. But through the power of Rupex, middleman involvement possibility is eliminated, and sensitive data readout files never even have the chance to reach compromised locations. Instead, data transfers and sales transactions are done directly, through a Peer-to-Peer connection. The only people privilege to sensitive data are the data owner and the client, and no one else.

Thankfully, Peer-to-Peer technology has breathed new life into the failing “Big Data” industry. Now, whatever benefit that business data compilations and statistical files can provide, can be processed, learned from, and profited from at peak efficiency. And make no mistake, small and medium-size business readouts have the power to improve new business performance at unprecedented levels. This is just the beginning of business evolution and improvement in ways the world has never seen!


Goal And Purpose RepuX

1. To develop a high throughput system where data can be directly monetized between collector, developer and user;
2. To establish a secure reputation infrastructure in a RepuX Token transaction that allows users to apply semi-permanent records in joint transactions;
3. To develop an easy-to-use application programming interface (or API) that allows third-party developers to build our RepuX Protocol to create a variety of different applications;
4.To maintain scalability and speed as a high priority during the design and development of the RepuX Protocol; and
5. To integrate the RepuX Protocol with existing blockchain technology while building custom solutions in a particular case.
In short, our main goal is to build a secure and reliable data transfer protocol that can be integrated with a variety of different applications developed by third parties for use by a number of different industries.



November 17, 2017 / 2pm UTC to January 23, 2018 / 2pm UTC

Token Sale
will run for a period of 31 days from 6 February 2018 to 9 March 2018. The round will continue until the 33.1 million USD limit is hit or the final round is over. During Token Sale REPUX can be purchased with ETH, BTC or Wire Transfer rewards, with a minimum contribution of 100 USD (or equivalent to 100 USD in BTC or ETH). During Pre-Sale, the minimum contribution is 30,000 USD.

Standard Token:

  1. Supply of Token ERC20: 500.000.000 REPUX
  2. Token Sale Price: 0.20 US Dollar for 1 REPUX.
  3. Token sales ends on March 9, 2018
  4. Start date: February 6, 2018 / 5pm UTC
  5. End date: 9 Mar 2018 / 5pm UTC
  6. Hard cap: 33.1 million USD
  7. Soft seal: 1,000,000 USD
  8. Payment receives ETH, BTC, XBT and USD via Wire transfer
  9. Supported wallets for Token Sales include MyEtherWallet, Mist-Ethereum Wallet, Metamask, Parity, imToken, Ledger, Trezor, and other

For more details and joining the current Repux project please follow some of the following links:


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