Sabtu, 06 April 2019

What is The Pieta Ecosystem Exactly?

What is Pieta ?

Pieta is the world’s first new blockchain project with the aims to minimize the cost of cryptocurrency mining as much as possible and make it more procurable and environmentfriendly.

How it is better than the predecessors ?

Pieta works with the use of new algorithm X20 which totally lessen the energy utilization in
the blockchain mining,therefore the mining equipment will be kept cooler.This will result in
increasing the equipment lifetime which in turn increase the profit of the miners.
The less discharge of carbon will also have a positive effect on environment.Pieta is also
motivating the usage of renewable solar energy in the crypto mining process to further reduce
the cost and saves the environment.

Our Main Missions.

To drive assumption of blockchain powered renewable and efficient energy solution for
businesses of all scale and size. At the same time, Pieta visualize to make Mining a profitable
and attractive event for everyone irrespective of the individuals technological and financial

1. Ensure fasttrack assumption of Green Energy Sources.
2.  Make Solar Energy the key energy source for efficient businesses operations.
3. Drive Awareness Programmes to educate one and all about the present and future
benefits of a smart, endurable and comprehensive energy system

Why invest in Pieta Token?

Pieta is one of the most expected tokens of the year, both in terms of popularity and investor
profitability. Besides providing multiple earning options to the holders of the tokens, Pieta
authorize users to engage in quick and cost-effective blockchain mining for amazing returns.

1. Multiple Earning Streams for the investors and holders of Pieta tokens,

 in the form ofaccess to a Point of Sale network of merchants/businesses accepting Cryptocurrencypayments (transactions) around the globe.

2. Maximizing the adoption of cryptocurrencies through futuristic combination with other

3. High Mining Rewards at substantially lower investment of cost and time. 

Use of solarenergy keeps the mining cost less while the X20 algorithm produces more output atlower energy consumption.

4. Pieta token is enable of Trading on a number of major crypto exchanges

5. Bonus – Up to 40%, depending on the stage of ICO you choose to invest at.

Pieta Solution.

The Pieta solution aims to lessen electricity usage in the mining process by up to 50%
enabling investors to earn better returns along with more bonus from their Pieta token

HoX20 Hashing Algorithm

Pieta will be the first project that implements the new X20 algorithm for blockchain mining inorder to increase the efficiency and security of the mining process while reducing the
consumption of energy.

Digital Wallet

Pieta will soon launch a devoted digital wallet enabling its investors to hold and transact theircoins. It will be the first digital wallet for pieta to be hosted on the Windows platform.

Mining Rewards

Traditional mining platforms are greatly limiting miners’ ability to earn more profits and
earnings because of the high startup cost and the complex process. Pieta’s X20 Algorithm is
designed to reward miners for all their activities on the platform in order to make a properly
positive network growth

Road Map

Token Details


telegram: @ dhewio8
Profile link:;u=894088
wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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